I love it, but you're not gonna fill in the rest of the empty space? You've got great talent, and this is one of the coolest robotic styled heads I've seen yet.. but it has potential to be even greater if you plated the whole 512x512 space. Head is great otherwise, just a (heavily) recommended suggestion.
Marxi6 is the only one who knows what he's talking about. All the people who are want more random details are on some crazy bandwagon.
Totally agree. I feel like I need to eliminate some of the same shit from my art, waste of skill and time, real skill is taking the time to think out your head and make the mapping pretty as fuck and make the head pleasing to the eye, not just pleasing because it took longer then other heads, and has more shading, but because its bold and intense, also 13Chillz, post 1 more head just 1 more.
Nice contouring with the lines.
big improvement from your last one.
feels a bit cramped though. too many lights and individual plates etc.
superficial details like that remind me of Taronis textures.
could do with some larger scale depth. youve added more depth to each element, but nothing that really changes the shape of the face, it will still feel decidedly round on the sphere. be generous with your shadows and stingy with your highlights.
also, getting bored and not finishing the top or bottom is just lazy =/