if you're going to play and aikido based mod I would recommend greykido. great fun and great for learning.
Hi OP!

First post in some months, *giggles*. Basically nobody will tell you this, because it's too offensive for all "fairplay",
"original" or "too lazy to copy anything". But the truth is, if you want to own ingame, best pick is just blatantly steal
killer3366's style. If you dunno him and that's ok, he's been one of the most profitable duel players and his style
was solid back when he played and prove to win a lot of people.
thanks snuff i dont really know why you had to pm me about that response and its kinda funny that it took you 2minutes to write but i will take your advice
Originally Posted by boStaff View Post
thanks snuff i dont really know why you had to pm me about that response and its kinda funny that it took you 2minutes to write but i will take your advice

Actually it took me one minute to write, another minute to PM to you. Expanding my point on copying styles. It's question you want to ask yourself, do you want to be good and steal & implement the working styles of masters and maybe get some critique for it or be a people's pleaser, never steal moves and keep sucking at the game.

Mind, first still requires trial, error, practice, understanding of the game and proper use of movememory.lua & / or solid-ass notes & watching replays of your fights and thinking about them.

Anyways, consider this a pleasant coincidence, because I normally don't even post outside of items.

Good luck on the path!
Just play the game...

For real, play the game... ALOT. If that's not working then try knowing the mechanics and functions of the Tori. It really helps a lot when you want to move the right joint.
Steam: aruwind
practice is the key
fight with people that are better than you,sometime you will beat them easily,and you will see you improvement.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592