Language is a powerful instrument and most people are not aware of the fact that all meanings can be changed by the way you use language.
If you give a word the power to offend you, you are giving someone more tools than necessary to hurt you. Be offended by the meaning of a message and the manner in which it gets delivered, not by politically incorrect words.
If you choose to be offended by the word rather than what the person is actually saying you are giving up a lot of power.
Language is a tool of communication. Learn to use it.
The black community did that by starting to use the offensive word “nigger” in a positive manner, thus making it lose its negative power.
Example: Most handicapped people I know don't get offended when they are called retarded, cripple and stuff like that, as long as it is not said in a disrespectful manner.
They accept the fact that they are challenged in that regard and that being offended by someone pointing it out is a waste of time. If, however, someone is indicating that being a cripple makes them a less valuable human being, they have every right to tell that individual to fuck off. See the difference between being called a cripple and being told that being a cripple is something bad?
If you learn to use language in such a manner you are going to become a strong individual with the ability to manipulate the meanings of words in a fashion that benefits you.
If you don't… well go fuck yourself, idiot.