It's never really a big deal when these things happen. And they typically occur in those random rooms of people who play random mods. And let me state that I never just go into a room and say "IM A GIRL GUYS! IM A GIRL", it typically occurs when I'm just having a good time playing a random mod in a room where there's not a lot of wait time and the mods aren't serious. And then we all just start talking about random stuff and then I might end up telling a story or something and it has something to do with me being a female (the story is relevant to the conversation) then the players begin to get angry and say shit like "Wtf y r u playing?. U r trying to get attention. You're probably just a fat ugly lesbian." Like it's not a big deal, but it scares me because what if these people say things to a girl that is sensitive, or is going through something rough? Why can't they just be chill about it?
Giselle is my name, and I suck dick for fame. I only like Pussy, so I don't fuck with dudes. But hey I'm a slut, so PM me for nudes.
OK so you may have noticed by now that approximately 90% of online gaming is trash talk. unfortunately you will have to get over it sooner or later.
if people manage to offend you you could try to report them but yea nah, doubt it'll do anything aye.
Originally Posted by Gbleek View Post
Really? We must have completely different Toribash experiences, then. I'm not being passive aggressive here, I'm honestly scratching my head on this one.

I would say it's quite usually for discussions about gender to be common. At most I think once per person would be the upper limit, but I would say that it's exceedingly rare usually. Who even asks that... "hey do you have a penis? Nice1m8"

Originally Posted by raaage View Post
but maybe that's because I'm a cool kid

Well you don't have "I am a girl I am a lesbian" in your sig and you don't make threads to tell everyone that "I am a girl I am a lesbian", so that's a good start lol.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
In game, most people think that I'm a girl (I believe because of my textures) and I rarely found someone saying a rude word to me but the opposite, they behave pretty nice to me. Only a few who said "GAAAAYY!!" or something which just made me lol.
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I'm an independent woman, and I struggle with the same problems. I think I need to go see Tai Lopez so I can recieve some knowledge, my hardships are unbearable at this point.
I don't think I've seen any discriminating towards females in game, it's rather the opposite if anything.
There are quite a few trolls online that would do what they did to the original poster to pretty much anyone, basically giving them your personal details is just feeding them.
And honestly I don't see why you'd do that anyway, hell only like 3 people in my clan even know what gender I am lol.

Sorry if I missed any more information I just skipped the 3 pages of posts.
Originally Posted by 420BongSquad View Post
When I first played this game, I played on random servers with random mods. And the majority of the time that the other players learned that I was a female, I received some really mean comments about my sex and sometimes got kicked just for saying that I'm a girl. And things get worse when I mention my homo sexuality. This got so frustrating that I pretended to be a male just to avoid hate and kicking. Have any you other (scarce) women and girls experienced this? Or has anyone witnessed this?

The gaming industry was and Is dominant by males, while there is a decent rate of female gamers approx 38% globally since I lastly checked in 2013 it grows even larger and more females attend to play. But because of the anonimity nobody truly knows the gender of the player, and some women prefer to pretend being males to be treated casually by others.

Most of male gamers however still can't digest the fact that a fairly large percentage of the gamers are female, so maybe this leads to mockery. Nobody is trully a sexist piece of caca dookie.
Most people are nicer to females i thought, not rude. Or at least thats what i find myself doing any time i play with a female. My body forces me to be nice and automatically have a good impression on them without even getting to know them yet.

im jealous of girl gamers
stereotypes prejudice and discrimination
shockey managed to define all these things in one post bravo
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