Secret Santa 2024
Talk 'bout me? ^^

If you want to control your dreams, take a look on Youtube, there is so many tutorials (+ or - Good)
The most difficult part is to keep the pace of life, if you can and if you want it you will be able to do lucid dreams.

On the other hand, Astral projection is a most deep part of your mind. (One of the most)
You have to be receptive to the environment and sort it out of your head or focus on it and take the entire space of the room with your conscience.

Taking stuffs won't help you, because focus on something will be impossible.
If you are not receptive, you can train yourself but it will be very very long (even if you are)
By chance, sometimes, when I'm alone at home (I'm single now so...) with a very good feeling, I can loose my mind and separate it of my body. (I don't feel it)
But I don't know how they do to see behind them or go somewhere else...
Thats the next step I guess, but everyone is "unique" so I won't trust any tutorial, thats why we have to find the answer by ourself ^^

"You have to be receptive to the environment and sort it out of your head or focus on it and take the entire space of the room with your conscience. "
This is totally subjective, thats how I do.

Thats hard to explain (sorry if it wasn't clear enough)
Last edited by Astral; Nov 5, 2015 at 03:37 PM.
Elle couuurt, Elle coooourt! LA MAAAAaaaAaladiiiie d'amOOoour! Dans le c... (cœur) des enfaaants! De 16 à 77 ans!
Astral projection is something I can't really do, but when I close my eyes I can sorta control the weird tunnel you sometimes see. I get random shapes, and colors shooting like asteroids, and circuit boards an what not.

Lucid dreaming is very different. Kinda like doing falsetto's to growling, deals with the same subject, but utilized in different states of minds.

I always lucid dream, It's gotten to the point in certain dreams and "nightmares" won't let me spawn anything or change physics and normally takes place in very surreal and beautiful cities.

I find the best way to learn how to lucid dream Is wake up an hour or 2 earlier than normal, then go back to sleep while thinking of walking down the street and stuff or sitting on the bus watching the blocks go by, eventually the world will take a mind of it's own until you do something about it.

I've had many dreams of places I hadn't been to then find myself there, with a few things switched around and what not, had intimate conversations with people I never met before. As well as waiting for a train talking to some dude, in a weird place almost purgatory like because the railroad straight up went into the never ending horizon, the place looked like a sky box without any clouds and nigh infinite in every direction standing inside a floating train station. Or against my will start ascending super fast into the clouds and passed then passed the moon then out of the system, this gave me legit butterflies.

Sleep Paralysis is some creepy shit. Like having a congregation of silhouettes surrounding the bed with faint echoes of laughter, some chuckling, others sound insane. I wouldn't necessarily call them demons because they could be projections from the dark corners of your mind. Or they very well could be demons and are jelly about our material forms and they want it.
yeah also have lucid dreaming, though ive never pulled off astral projection

I was able to setup my dream and what would happen kinda like creating a character on an mmo.

Havent done it in years tho
When I was 7, I went into a state of SP and dreamt that the tribe my ancestors are from were throwing a traditional party. They then proceeded to lock me into a box, I was stuck there until my mom threw water on me irl.

Since then in most dreams I've been able to realize I'm dreaming, but I've never controlled my dream. I was just never afraid of the things I saw in those dreams.

Once I almost had an OBE, but while rising up I got afraid and woke up only to feel my body vibrating. I feel like these things are just people unlocking their minds and finding out what they can actually do.

Also I don't understand how one can dream about a certain area and see it in real life, has happened to me a few times.
Last edited by Gotti; Nov 6, 2015 at 02:05 AM.
Does taking acid and Astral Projecting count?
because that shit definitely happens. Not spiritual, it's just you tripping nutsacks regardless of whether or not you took drugs. But jesus christ is it awesome
I can't say whether these phenomina are true or false. Because I have never experienced it.

I have, however, experienced many lucid dreams. They aren't really clear as day (most of my dreams are a bit blurry and saturated), but I have had many dreams in which I knew I was dreaming and could do pretty much whatever I pleased. I was able to successfuly reproduce the event by thinking and repeating a word or thought (such as peanut butter) as I fall asleep. Majority of the time (if done right), I will continue to say the word even in my dream. This keeps me from losing my thought and allows me to realize I am dreaming. I've even got this thingy that I seem to remember every dream.

When I have bad dreams, I can always raise my eyes into my eyelids and this little "menu" pops up. Allowing me to scramble dreams, change to a specific dream, or wake up (and it works every time!). I have no clue how I was able to implement this in my dreams, but it's darn helpful!

I've never had a bad dream since.
I deleted my sig cuz clan bai nao