Praise me more, I like it. Please don't hold back, I can take all of your love.
Oh yea had one more thought, he needs some kind of labeling, like a model number carved into the metal somewheres.
> .> So wanna hire me as an idea man? 5% progits per head? *wink wink nudge nudge*
What K0hta just posted is fucking PERFECT. If you did all that, this head will look 100% fantastic, I'd probably try to buy it.
Ehhhh I liked Version 1 better in all honestly, the holes instead of speakers kinda puts me off. I would just go with what everyone else said and make the speakers look more worn. you can put a small tear and have the fabric of the speaker kinda hand down a bit or have it seem like there speaker isn't fully attached and hang some wires out from the bottom of it like they're falling out, kinda like how you did with the eye.
Also I would support adding a crack in the red eye, could sell it a bit better.
Damaged Speaker
I would probably only put tears in one speaker, as for the other remember "Time erodes color", fade the color on the speakers a bit for that feeling of age.
One more idea for you. The screws in the back panel, old tech ALWAYS ends up missing a screw. Remove one of the screws and leave the empty hole there. If thats not enough for you then you can also deform the edge missing a screw a bit.
Wip 5