Re: Who wos' this Danny_The_Manny bloke?
Its like the SARS scare all over again. Except SARS in this case was so closely related to the human species, he took form as one of us.
And hey, I can say his name without fear of retribution.... I hope XD
Yeah, anyways, danny_the_manny (now known as danny_the_lonely_twat) was a mass spammer/flamer, who got given so many chances by the mods and admins. Quite frankly, thats the only fault they EVER made. Giving him another chance.
He's gone for good now... I hope. Unless he HAS actually learned to hack (that was an amazing topic XD) or he knows how to IP mask or use Proxies (which, considering his absolute stupidity, I doubt he could even use something as simple as that).