Christmas Lottery
Oh what i hate...

Rascists,Skool Faggots (Like: ZOMG I LUV THIS!!!11112",Bully's and satanists& goths

I don't hate emo's but they are annoying
I hate people who hate other people for hating people who hate people hating people hating people.

Can't we all just get a long?

<( O )>
Originally Posted by splatter View Post
a-holes, pricks, stereotypic EMOs, wannabe satanists and pretenders

Ahaha; wannabe satanists, last year a few friends and I convinced this girl we warship satan.

People who take things too seriously are the big annoyance for me.
the god
French people, welsh people, scientologists, chavs, disabled people, conservatives, jews, coloured people, women, men, white people, superheroes, children, felines, insects, humans and most of all emo kids.

*swiftly escapes thread*
Youshop | Art
I hate Defqons (*cough*HaXBoX*cough*) he always walks into being bullied by just about everyone and then complains about it later.
(20:01:05)~veb loves Kenny
I find people that find things annoying for no apparent reasons annoying.

Also, particularly, hypocrits.

Examples (S are the people that annoy me, M is me):

S: "I'm totally free of prejudice."
M: "Oh? What were your thoughts about racists again?"
S: "They deserve nothing. They're lower human beings."
M: "Ohok, that makes sense..."


S: "I love that this is a free country."
M: "Me too. I think I'm gonna vote FrP this year (Norwegian conservative party)."
S: "What? Are you a fucking idiot?"
M: "Huh? What do you mean?"
S: "Their politics are insane. Anyone who votes for them must have had their brains lobotomized."
M: "Yeaaah...contradictor."


S: "I'm a scientific-minded atheist."
M: "Ok?"
S: "Yeah, it means that I believe in science because it's the truth, I mean, you can't prove religion, but you can prove science."
M: "Lol."
Last edited by CMon; Oct 20, 2008 at 05:59 PM.
People who can't take a joke, if someone is like that, i just can't get along with them in any way, all i do is joke. ;o

Script kiddies, nuff said.

People that generally annoy me, you know who you are.Don't you?

Overall i am a nice person, so i can put up with most of it without killing them, though.


Originally Posted by Juntalis View Post

I hate:

People who abuse the English language. Obviously, I'm not talking about those who pick it up as a second language and don't quite have it down. I'm talking about those who learned it as their first language, and are just too stupid to apply the general rules to it. Or those who feel it's cool to replace the letter c with the letter k. For example: "kool". Same goes with ch, as in "skool".

Attention whores who will blatantly lie about their situation in an attempt to garnish attention. The very same person will constantly state their point of view in multiple threads, as if the repetition of stupidity will make it any less stupid.

Over dramatic fags who insist on making everything into a big scene, when it can clearly be a learning experience.

People who try to force acceptance of their lifestyle on others. Understand that not everyone is ready to accept your lifestyle. They can tolerate it, but that doesn't mean they can accept it. And to call that person close-minded really just shows how close-minded you are.

Totally agree with everything this man said. Very well said sir.
Go check my myspace