Secret Santa 2024
Kappaklasm is a Madman replay that deserves a detailed critique!

Things I'm neutral about:
° The Opener.
° The kick which dms the Chest. It lacks power bc the foor touches the floor. But that looks interesting so i say you can keep it that way.

Things I like:

+ The first hit + knee dms. That looks absolutely awesome.
+ Uppercut to Boomhit Decap <Enough said
+ The way you break your own wrist for the skeet. Kinda looks as smooth as a selfDM can be.
+ Great speed in the whole replay!

Things I don't like

- The grab after the kneekick absorbs all the power behind the impact
- The skeet is awful. You gotta work on that again. In such a short distance i expect dismemberment!
- The pose has poor balance...

I'd say work on the last part again and you can have my 10/10
maybe 9.9 bc of the thing i said about the grab.
evil Führer of Evil
Originally Posted by Oaky View Post
Kappaklasm is a Madman replay that deserves a detailed critique!

Things I'm neutral about:
° The Opener.
° The kick which dms the Chest. It lacks power bc the foor touches the floor. But that looks interesting so i say you can keep it that way.

Things I like:

+ The first hit + knee dms. That looks absolutely awesome.
+ Uppercut to Boomhit Decap <Enough said
+ The way you break your own wrist for the skeet. Kinda looks as smooth as a selfDM can be.
+ Great speed in the whole replay!

Things I don't like

- The grab after the kneekick absorbs all the power behind the impact
- The skeet is awful. You gotta work on that again. In such a short distance i expect dismemberment!
- The pose has poor balance...

I'd say work on the last part again and you can have my 10/10
maybe 9.9 bc of the thing i said about the grab.

Tried but oh well, Decided to turn the end into a uke worm manip
Attached Files
Kappaklasm 2.0 m8s.rpl (356.3 KB, 22 views)