Originally Posted by M3Hi View Post
JIM IS RIGHT!!!1111oneone1111

YOU BAD, DO NICE THINGS!!!111!!shift+1
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Proud memeber of (and Google for) [o]
BlakNWyte can't spell.
As demonstrated above; sometimes long posts are needed for one to be able to express one's points clearly and accurately. =]
Proud memeber of (and Google for) [o]
BlakNWyte can't spell.
We must get a hold of ourselves...

Wouldn't want to attract the attention of the outsiders, they might catch on to our activity on steroids.
It may result in overall spam, which would be a very bad thing indeed.
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Originally Posted by yinyangsea View Post
yes as Jimmy Shammu said,If everyone spams who will notice our spam?

And once Epic Fail Guy once said; "I am gay, I am a fag, I'm a butt-humper ooooh ohhh".
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unless it's like oh your wrong instead of making an entire speech of why you are wrong then it just gets annoying people making speeches because people dont really read the speeches they just read the first sentance like i do and so far i have made a crap load of grammatical errors but i'm just going to keep talking...typing, to make you read a speech which is completely 100% usless to read unless you care about reading useless things which have a crapload of mistakes and is complete spam now you are just reading spam ha!ljadfijalsdjfoibvjkljdaud;oijaskldjfsdijfsj. That brings us to another subject...spam. Spam is good spam is great spam is what we DON'T appreciate. I dont see why people find spam annoying because sometimes it is just funny unlike this right now it's just downright annoying. JIM-YAMI FTW!!!!!!also run-on sentences ftw too.
Oh, you're wrong.

I could tell you why, but that would require space, something which a post isn't allowed to use.
Proud memeber of (and Google for) [o]
BlakNWyte can't spell.