I think the thing is that off-topic is for actually talking to each other, versus the fire-and-forget nature of the wibblier threads. I'm well aware that the acronym thread is amusing and requires some creativity, but in the end it's mostly just go in, post an acronym of your name, go back out. You don't need to relate to ANY of the other posts besides the first one, and in fact, most people don't. They can, but they rarely do.

Now, don't get me wrong, i'd be totally fine with a new Wibbles, i'm just saying i can see what the mods are on about. Yes, low-effort threads can be fun, but they might very quickly drown out all other activity if not regulated or at least condensed.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
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Originally Posted by wibblefox View Post
wtf is a "good thread" wtf is a "quality post"

You are talking like threads have intrinsic value that needs to be upheld. If someone wants to make a "count to 1000" thread, then what is the problem? It's not "valuable" enough? It's not high enough "quality"?

When I'm talking about quality threads or posts, I'm talking about quality as in the standard that Off-Topic holds. While I can't comment on the true intended purpose of this board since I haven't been around long enough to see it for myself, this board has been the same ever since I would lurk and moderate in it.

Originally Posted by wibblefox View Post
Let's break it down: the purpose of a thread is up to the OP to decide, and up to the community to decide if it is worthy of replying to. There is no inherent value to post count, thread reply count, nor in the existence of threads.

If someone makes a "bad thread" that is "low quality" it is not a problem, just let it die.

It would certainly be a problem if someone made a thread that encouraged people to reply "THE HOLOCAUST WAS A GOOD IDEA", or something equally as stupid and edgy. I can already imagine the hundreds of posts that would garner up.

Originally Posted by wibblefox View Post
No, I'm saying that there is too big a difference between what the users want, and what the staff want.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with people making a game thread or posting for fun. Not every post has to be a literary work of art, and spoiler - none of them are.

Sure, nothing is objectively wrong with having a little fun on the internet. However, I (can't speak for the rest of staff) don't intend Off-Topic to be a free-for-all meme posting extravaganza. I am only advocating Off-Topic to stay as it is currently. If Wibbles were to rise again, some sort of change would have to happen to the ToriPrime and VIP boards.

Originally Posted by pusga View Post
It was a fun thread that required a bit of creativity to post but in which everyone could participate. What would have happened had it not been closed? Would it evolve into a thread about nuclear weaponry and someone would learn about the subject and attempt to launch a homemade nuke killing thousands of innocents? Did you really need the extra space on the board for the 2/3 active off topic threads you currently have above a sea of closed/dead threads? #freeAcronyms

Of course, nothing says "creativity" more than pairing the "t" in one's name to "Tit" and the "p" in one's name to "Pussy". I highly doubt any philosophical essays or quantum physics theories would have been exchanged in that thread.

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Not many new innovations occur in content since it's explicitly described to what the staff want. I don't mean topics, I mean what the users have been trying to do now on every single board forever that has been shunned and shamed.

I like the idea of a wibbles, but yeah, toriprime and VIP would need new purpose. On the other hand, a lot of people just buy it for the profile customization. Maybe it it was turned more towards that specifically and possibly add some ingame features, we could have a functioning wibbles board again.

The upside to a wibbles board or some sort of lenient idea for a board would be that it could boost our forum activity which I would give as much support for as I could. Users wouldn't feel stupidly depressed about funny content either hah.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
Can an authority with the power to create new boards (or organise it so it could happen) respond to the idea of bringing the free Wibbles back?
I can assure all of you that the forums and tb community does indeed get worse the more strictly it is moderated.
the god
Originally Posted by Moonshake View Post
It would certainly be a problem if someone made a thread that encouraged people to reply "THE HOLOCAUST WAS A GOOD IDEA", or something equally as stupid and edgy. I can already imagine the hundreds of posts that would garner up.

Ignoring that a thread such as that would be against forum and global rules, you think that is a bad thing because... ?

Because it would be hundreds of posts of activity and that is bad?
Because people shouldn't make edgy threads?
Because the holocaust is beyond reproach and discussion?

Originally Posted by Moonshake View Post
Sure, nothing is objectively wrong with having a little fun on the internet. However, I (can't speak for the rest of staff) don't intend Off-Topic to be a free-for-all meme posting extravaganza. I am only advocating Off-Topic to stay as it is currently. If Wibbles were to rise again, some sort of change would have to happen to the ToriPrime and VIP boards.

Well I don't see anything wrong with memes, and I don't think we should make a new board when we already have discussion for serious posts and offtopic is supposed to be for non-serious posts.

I don't think TP and VIP need a rework, they are just private boards. This idea that they are supposed to be paid wibbles is bullshit and I think everyone knows it. Even years ago when it was first introduced it had rules, and very small volume of posts. Now that OT is practically dead perhaps it has more content, but I doubt it.

Making people pay to make the forum worthwhile is a dumb idea to me, if people aren't having fun on the board why would they pay to have access to TP? Even if you ignore that it's not true, it's not realistic.
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OT was supposed to be the land of threads that aren't shit threads but don't belong elsewhere and posts that aren't shitposts. You could say the quality bar for here is supposed to be higher than the utter turd posted in prime, but still pretty low.

These days it's the land of GREY, starting to look like there's more closed threads than open ones. :/

Sigh inducing reality aside, this area is due to get a poke sometime possibly soon but maybe not... Either way I was talking about it with suo the other week & we pondered what to do about it blah blah.

As for a "free wibbles", NOOOOOPE. There's no need for it now, just shit up your clan board - they had their post count removed for a reason.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
OT was supposed to be the land of threads that aren't shit threads but don't belong elsewhere and posts that aren't shitposts. You could say the quality bar for here is supposed to be higher than the utter turd posted in prime, but still pretty low.

These days it's the land of GREY, starting to look like there's more closed threads than open ones. :/

Sigh inducing reality aside, this area is due to get a poke sometime possibly soon but maybe not... Either way I was talking about it with suo the other week & we pondered what to do about it blah blah.

As for a "free wibbles", NOOOOOPE. There's no need for it now, just shit up your clan board - they had their post count removed for a reason.

just curious,but like fox stated,what reason is that?
so what happens if users get an absurd amount of post count?
Originally Posted by Moonshake View Post
Of course, nothing says "creativity" more than pairing the "t" in one's name to "Tit" and the "p" in one's name to "Pussy". I highly doubt any philosophical essays or quantum physics theories would have been exchanged in that thread.

Creativity obviously wasn't a main point in my post. Why is it even a problem that someone makes a post including tits and pussy as part of their acronym? I simply can't comprehend why staff cares about shit like this, mostly because it's been written off as "not being the right content for off topic" or "would u like tits and pussy to be written in front of your face". I'm also yet to understand why this kind of content can't exist in Off-Topic. "it's not the point of the board" is not much of an answer because the point of the board is something you can easily change at any point. Having such a square and bizarre way of dealing with this is just ridiculous to me because this board has about 2 active threads most of the time. I don't like visiting Off-Topic and having the choice of posting either in a thread about my favourite holiday (i don't really like them that much) or a thread about afterlife (i don't care). Compulsively deleting posts and closing threads because they aren't intelligent discussions without them actually affecting anybody sounds on par with deleting stuff you don't agree with to me.

Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
just shit up your clan board - they had their post count removed for a reason.

who cares about post count though? why not just remove post count completely if it's apparently such a big problem? a lot of times it just seems like staff cares more about preventing people from getting a higher post count instead of preventing people from posting bad content.
oh yeah
It's because people started shitposting non-stop to get higher post counts; users seem to have a deluded idea that high post counts mean something. /shrug

Dropping the post count in ye olde Wibbles actually made it a slightly less obnoxious board - no more 1 letter replies to every thread for example..

Then people started making spam threads in their clan boards to inflate their post count for the same dumb reason. You may remember when spam threads were banned in the global clan rules, it was specifically because of that. People even made clans specifically to make spam threads to boost post counts, and we put a stop to clans using post count as an application requirement.

Someone then decided that clans were declining because people couldn't shitpost (IMO boards full of 20 page threads with nothing but "." posts doesn't constitute activity) so post counts were culled from them, and clans were allowed to shitpost in their own boards.


Originally Posted by pusga View Post
who cares about post count though? why not just remove post count completely if it's apparently such a big problem? a lot of times it just seems like staff cares more about preventing people from getting a higher post count instead of preventing people from posting bad content.

It was only a problem in specific areas, reasons stated above.
To be honest unless you were either in a shitty clan doing it, or one of the people having to clean it up constantly then it's unlikely you'd have even noticed it happening.

"Bad content" is pretty subjective y'know. Pretty sure most the things in this board that got killed wouldn't actually be classed as that.
Last edited by SkulFuk; Sep 8, 2016 at 01:06 PM.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you