Basically leyz is highely unlikely to ever return to this game, but he is surely a legend.
I also introduce Ticux to this list, suppose him to have most multiplayer tourneys wins ever ingame
Basically leyz is highely unlikely to ever return to this game, but he is surely a legend.
I also introduce Ticux to this list, suppose him to have most multiplayer tourneys wins ever ingame
When best of champions was run I'm pretty sure I was above Ticux at one point. Someone should recheck that.
Nontheless Ticux and Bate definitely deserves legend status, no doubt.
<AlphasoniK> Kristis: What the fuck is wrong with you, rainbow loving panda freak.
Seriously, try to piss standing up for a change. No life girly pants dimwit.
Kristis133 is my nomenee for next wave along with vipertech (he did all thouse templates we still use today and a ton of other shit)
Also sheva is good at what he does. He is also legendary market guy.