It's very hard to prove rape in courts. I feel that only letting women who can prove they've been raped is a huge wrongdoing and really doesn't allow freedom at all. If you instead want them to just say they've been raped and be handed an abortion, what incentive is there to not always claim that one has been raped?
I think I might be retired.
Just make it expensive of as hell. After all it's not like that fetus is going to be going to school in 5 years.

If you get knocked up it's your fault be on the pill and or wear a damn condom, if you're drunk banging people it's still entirely your fault. Abortions ain't cheap and cost the tax payers money to pay for your mistakes. Have the damn baby and put it up for adoption. Unless you're very young and have not finished school or are even in your 20s then abortion could be viable, but still. Getting rid of would be children is fucking retarded Morals a side it's still retarded. Really shows what kind of human being you really are.

It costs less to get rid of would be humans than it is for Dental that's hella fucked.
Originally Posted by T0ribush View Post
Just make it expensive of as hell. After all it's not like that fetus is going to be going to school in 5 years.

If you get knocked up it's your fault be on the pill and or wear a damn condom, if you're drunk banging people it's still entirely your fault. Abortions ain't cheap and cost the tax payers money to pay for your mistakes. Have the damn baby and put it up for adoption. Unless you're very young and have not finished school or are even in your 20s then abortion could be viable, but still. Getting rid of would be children is fucking retarded Morals a side it's still retarded. Really shows what kind of human being you really are.

It costs less to get rid of would be humans than it is for Dental that's hella fucked.

tl;dr: How dare abortion contribute to our economy? That's wrong!

You know that even after taking a morning after pill and using a condom, it's still possible for conception to occur, right? You're going to limit a person's ability to take control of their own life because it costs you money? That's not even a remotely decent reason for cracking down on abortion. Sure getting drunk can cause a lapse of proper judgment, but the way you say that makes it sound like women getting drunk is the only cause of unwanted conception. Men also get drunk, surprisingly enough, and tend to be more physically capable of overpowering a mate.

Children are not just one person's responsibility. You can not sit back and place all blame on women as if it's entirely their fault that they're pregnant. Women can't get pregnant alone. If you want to shame women for being sexually active, you could head back to the dark ages where women only get to do housework and raise children.
I think I might be retired.
Originally Posted by Grohenbird View Post
If you want to shame women for being sexually active, you could head back to the dark ages where women only get to do housework and raise children.

I agree with you to the extent where economics shouldn't be a factor in the abortion argument. However, this isn't about shaming. The fact is, abortion is being used as a form of contraception in the US and the UK (in the UK ever since the '67 act), with around 1 million unborn children getting destroyed each year in the US. Nearly half of the pregnancies there are unintended and four in 10 of these are terminated by abortion (Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 2006).

You also made the point that rape cases are hard to be determined as legitimate. This is correct, but not the main veto against abortion due to rape. The 'abortion due to rape' argument persists that the baby is solely responsible and not the rapist. People for this issue will base their arguments on emotional difficulty, and not objectively. The baby is innocent and cannot be blamed for anything, so it's not a justifiable reason for abortion.

The argument that the mother's life is at risk is a difficult problem and I suppose you could make room for it, though whenever I ask somebody to give me an example of a case such as this, they're unable to.

The fact remains that the majority of abortions are due to irresponsibility. Abortion being made illegal is not to shame them or to punish them, it is to protect the unborn child's life. Pretty simple, really.
I feel like abortion should be aloud only when both the male and female agree to abort it. Right now only the woman needs to agree to make the abortion which is totally unfair, if the woman doesn't want it while the man wants the baby, she would birth the baby then give it to the father where he can look after + getting money from the woman as child support unless people think both of the people are unfit for child care. The only exceptions is that if the woman is a rape victim and if the birthing of the child risks her life. Well that's my opinion and I know some people will disagree and shit.

Oh and women have bullshit rights like fucking raping a man and gets pregnant, being able to birth the baby and the SUE THE MAN FOR CHILD SUPPORT, which is plainly the most stupidest thing I've ever heard of.
Last edited by Stone; Nov 28, 2016 at 10:20 PM.
ishi - "I'm Hampa's Bitch Slappin' Hand"
I'm so proud Sparky
Originally Posted by Stone View Post
I feel like abortion should be aloud only when both the male and female agree to abort it. Right now only the woman needs to agree to make the abortion which is totally unfair, if the woman doesn't want it while the man wants the baby, she would birth the baby then give it to the father where he can look after + getting money from the woman as child support unless people think both of the people are unfit for child care. The only exceptions is that if the woman is a rape victim and if the birthing of the child risks her life. Well that's my opinion and I know some people will disagree and shit.

Oh and women have bullshit rights like fucking raping a man and gets pregnant, being able to birth the baby and the SUE THE MAN FOR CHILD SUPPORT, which is plainly the most stupidest thing I've ever heard off.

I'm sure there's dumb rules about this kind of stuff, but I don't think it's fair to say that both parents share equal responsibility. The woman have to carry around the baby for 9 months and give birth to it, which is very painful and alters the woman's body in different ways after birth. Most effects seem to last 3 weeks to 9 months. For example, it takes 9 months for the stomach to return to its original size.

In contrast, the man is subject to losing a little sperm, if we're just comparing biological effects.
I don't agree with you valuing the baby as the dad's partial property while it's in the womb. Until it's born it's still a part of the woman's body. It's simply really weird to me to consider someone else's body to be your property, even if you are the biological father. I understand the grief of losing a baby, even if it's an unborn, but I think the side effects outweigh that grief.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Yeah when I was typing my thing up, I was thinking about that it's the woman that has to carry it, but I still feel that the man has a part of if their child get's to live or die. The only way I can see to fix the issue is the remove the baby from their womb and moving it to another womb (basically donating their body like a family member or a new girlfriend) without the baby dying, which right now is impossible if I recall correctly so medical science will need to evolve further for that.
ishi - "I'm Hampa's Bitch Slappin' Hand"
I'm so proud Sparky
The male supports both the women and the baby while they sit around getting emotional and fat or they're living off of tax payers money or they're taking paid leave from work. That man has every right to his kid be being born, if he's trying to earn money to support all three of them.

The idiots getting pregnant and impregnating woman out weigh the people who accidentally get pregnant by a huge margin, like a broken condom? That shit is rare as hell, like finding a deep fried spider in your Asian food, it happens, but not enough at all for it to be a problem.

Also to being on the pill there is a 99.99% it ain't happening like how a condom is 99.99% sure that it isn't going to get your woman pregnant. Combine them both with a level head on your shoulders, the chances are very low.
Last edited by T0ribush; Nov 28, 2016 at 11:15 PM.
Somebody explain to me (because a lot of you seem to be making this judgment) why they think the 'rights' of a foetus/embryo to live outweighs the rights of a woman to do whatever the hell she wants to her body?

A lot of you are like, 'OK, if it's rape then abortion should be legal, but if some woman is being reckless then abortion isn't OK'. Why does that matter? The only thing that should matter is whether or not the woman wants to have the baby and how far along the pregnancy is.

tldr; why is unborn life so 'sacred' and negates the rights of a woman to do whatever she wants with her body? I can only assume this moral position comes from people that are religious or grew up around religion.
Last edited by Ele; Nov 29, 2016 at 03:38 AM.