Originally Posted by xXOBLIVIONXx View Post
I can't stop staring at it omg!!!! I know this probably won't be worth anything to you, but I thought I'd give it a shot!

128x128 Head Texture (200 tc)
128x128 Left Bicep Texture (2000 tc)
Head Avatar (1500 tc)
Ivory Ghost (750 tc)
Knox Emote (30 tc)
Knox Grip (30 tc)
Knox Timer (60 tc)
Knox User Text (60 tc)
Marine Blood (900 tc)
Quicksilver DQ (1600 tc)
Quicksilver Force ( 24000 tc)
Hunter Relax (10000 tc)
2.7K TC
Love for the texture !!!!

^ worth about 46K if I added up prices

I have quite a lot of experience with photoshop and I'm hoping I can do some experimental stuff with it.. that's if I get it!

Got some pictures of what the tori looks like in full action below!

I hope this is enough! Stated all prices above!