They are in set full 512. I have them on right now. Perhaps not, but it is a start considering.

What is the absolute stone cold lowest equitation of tc value are you looking for? Worst case
Wanna see some ruffled feathers in Taekkyon

<Icky> Damn my mouth is on fire but my loins stir like the straits
Originally Posted by AussieCunt View Post
They are in set full 512. I have them on right now. Perhaps not, but it is a start considering.

What is the absolute stone cold lowest equitation of tc value are you looking for? Worst case

There will never be point where I consider an offer less than 500,000 TC.
Originally Posted by Wounder View Post
don't know if that counts for joints

but full 512 joints + obsidian scythe

No 512x512 joint textures. I don't need them or want them.
This is a FREE set. Shmevin I would've thought you knew this already, being rather an old player. I currently own the full resolution set myself. Want proof? Nblx released the files on his advanced texturing tutorial.
*Pulls more tail then a special needs child at the petting zoo*
Originally Posted by HASSAN View Post
This is a FREE set. Shmevin I would've thought you knew this already, being rather an old player. I currently own the full resolution set myself. Want proof? Nblx released the files on his advanced texturing tutorial.

I don't see it anywhere

and 500k TC
I have all the files for the set saved. Wanna see evidence?
*Pulls more tail then a special needs child at the petting zoo*
I cant find it. And even if he did, unless NBLX states that the set is free to use, it is not free. Just because you have the flats doesn't mean that it is a free set.
Last edited by Kozmonaut; May 2, 2017 at 03:35 PM.
you're on thin ice, pal
Originally Posted by HASSAN View Post
This is a FREE set. Shmevin I would've thought you knew this already, being rather an old player. I currently own the full resolution set myself. Want proof? Nblx released the files on his advanced texturing tutorial.

This set has only been owned by three people, and nblx was not one of them. This set was never released for free public use, and if it was then it was done illegitimately. You may have the flat images, but that does not mean anything in regards to the ownership of the set.