I'm Ben, or Rodia, or 1Rodia1™ Age: 9 but I don't act like it. Proof: I get my friends and ask them what age i am, and the average is 15. Their usually shocked when I tell them I'm 9. Forum activity: F- For now, contact me on discord, whenever I'm on Toribash, I'm almost always on Discord. Discord activity: A+ My discord is {Rodia}#3359. Ingame activity: A++ God yes baby. Belt: Black Belt. Toribash experience: Why do you even ask? Over a year ago I was 2nd dan, hacked, lost 80% of my skill. Now I'm probably better XD. My life: Full of fun, Homeschooled, love school, great at math, addicted to iPad and PC. I won't get bored of Toribash anytime soon. Reasons i want to join: Rather be in a clan and excel then be clanless and rot. Sixpaths has been everywhere, I could draw a chart on its success rate 3.3. Favorite mods, in order, from greatest to least: Aikido, Boxshu (not v3), Judofrac, ABD, Judo, lenshu...................Mushu is my least.
Skype: Yes. but I hate it, I only got Skype for completing my all Microsoft acc challenge.
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