Thanks for the previous deal, forgot to post here about me sending the tc, sorry for that. Here's some new offers though.
6,5k "set sounds" (full hit sounds, kiai and grip sound)
1,5k bucket helmet
7k hunter force
2,5k each 128x joint (10x2,5=25k for all)
800 each 128x body text (9x0,8=7,2k for all)
17k full 128x body
5k bowler hat
20k hawk force
30k both hawk laxes
15k love potion
43k all your pure shet (3x laxes, 2x forces, blood, 2 torsos and couple other miscs)
10k all the vamp stuff (1x force, 2x laxes and bunch of miscs)
total: 187,2k
, made sure that I'm offering also for miscs with the joints, if there were any in that color section
Last edited by joope1; Jun 1, 2017 at 02:33 PM.