Hello, it's me.
Hello Tribe, my name is KrisKrafts (not Minecraft related -.-) and I would love to be the newest addition to the clan.
I love forums but also have a passion for playing tk, and competitive aikido/abd.
Real Life Busines
My name is Kris I live in Georgia, and GMT has no effect on me cuz I am an absolute night owl.
Outside of my school life, I study data analysis and all things code. I know Python, Perl, JS, CSS, and HTML.
Other than coding languages I speak three and am learning a fourth. English, French, Spanish, and I am learning German.
My hobbies include data analytics, web development, 3D modeling, gaming, and piano.
I have been interested in data analysis since I was around 10-11 years old, I have been coding in general for about 6-7 years now, same goes for web development.
I have been doing 3d modeling shiz for maybe a year, I am not very good but I have fun.
I have been gaming since I was around 8 years old, it is by far my oldest hobby.
Last but not least is piano which I have been doing for about 3 years in total now.
I have recently been learning how to string chords together to make an overall more pleasing piece.
That's all of my IRL information.
Toribash History
So I have been playing toribash since 2009 on various different accounts (pm me for more info on that) leading this account to be my final destination.
I spend my forum time sitting in the art, suggestion, and mod boards/threads. Also, moderately in clans boards. I am currently reviving toribash media.
Whilst my in-game time I spend playing aikido, abd, aikido7, and taekkyon.
I also used to play loads of taido. I used to duel but soon gave that up as there were many frames and scams.
Duelling in general now is just a big mess. Apart from competitive, in-game I also like to make mods. None of which are published but I have lacked motivation recently.
If you go away from forums you can check my promo twitter. It is basically where I tweet promotional shit about the game. Events, videos, items, etc...
I do this because Toribash does not have a media manager and the @toribash twitter account is lazily moderated and often is left un-updated.
You can find the Promo Twitter in my signature (shameless plug <3).
Now to the replays, they are not the most impressive, but I hold my grounds and do fairly well whilst participating in clan wars.
Thank you for considering my application.
I hope the application was up to standards and enjoyable to read.
Best regards~Kris
Contact Me
Find me on Discord
I am also on forums a lot if you feel the need to pm me