Original Post
Clan Achievement Descriptions


So you know what, we staff are dumb and can't come up with good clan achievement descriptions to have them (finally) added.

So here's your chance to make some easy TC!
Make some sick descriptions for the achievements listed below and get 1K TC for every desc we accept!

Please keep your descriptions creative and fun.
Also don't c/p them from somewhere else. We might not know that you copied it from outside at first but if we do you'll get in trouble.

Staff members get 5 times lower TC reward.
1 Week - How'd ye get here newcomer?
1 Month- You're becoming known to the townsfolk
3 Months - People start to say "Hey," when they see you.
6 Months - You are beginning to become a contender.
1 Year - Take me on! You can't touch me!
Win Streak:
3- 1+2 is 3 quick maths.
6- Hm, nice one!
10- What are you, a combine?

Breaking War Streak:
1- Oh, you did it!
5- Back up. We're here.
10- And they thought they'd keep it!

Clan Wars:
1- Another day, another nickle!
5- Oh, good job.
10- Climbing up, eh?
25- What is this, biggest loser?
50- You guys just need to back up, seriously.
100- I can't even count to 100.
Clan LV:
1- What are you doing on my turf?
5- "Alright, whatever"
10- "HI I am here."
15- You begin to become known.
20- Yknow who we are.
25- Gotta long way to go.
30 Wow, that's older than me!
35 Just a filler episode.
40. Hah, 40.
45- We have come to destroy.
50- You're halfway there!
55 You're getting there, I guess.
60 Damn Daniel!
65 You already know you're lit
70. -1
75 So, your clan isn't dead?
80- WAPOW begins to notice you!
85 Holy Guacamole Batman!
90 You're like 10 away, mate.
95 OMG
100- Can't touch this.
no way bro thats crazy
war win streak:
It’s only just begginging...

Yeah that’s all I have it’s for the first btw
Hello buy my heads!
Although I've never personally seen it happen, you can have an achievement for maxing out on the amount of players allowed in a clan. (However many that may be, if there even is a max.)

Achievement: Maxed out

~Oh, just read sir's post on the 1st page, sorry about that, I will examine better, and give a more detailed comment next time.
Last edited by NubzFurLif; Nov 8, 2017 at 11:24 PM. Reason: Minor Details
Clan wars:

Dont look down from here!

War streak break

Do you wanna fight about it?!

War streak

No pressure


You better have taken naps in between playtime
if you get every clan achievement "do you even have a life or do you like getting achievements i don't care"
Dream On
My clan achievement descriptions (my ideas)
Clan level achievements:
Level 1- Bunch of newbies
Level 5- your still alive?
Level 10- Dont give up
Level 15- Striving clan
Level 20- you've made it this far
Level 25- Destined for greatness
Level 30- Go team!
Level 35- Strong Bond
Level 40- Clan up!
Level 45- A worthy team/opponent
Level 50- The A team
Level 55- higher and higher
Level 60- no mountain high enough
Level 65- only way is up
Level 70- Reach for the Stars
Level 75- climbing the ranks
Level 80- Unstoppable force
Level 85- Survivors
Level 90- Pathway of legends
Level 95- Over achiever
Level 100- New record!

Clan Wars:

1 Win:- do you even win bro?
5 Wins:- Not bad
10 wins:- The feel of winning
15 wins:- beat em' up
20 wins:- Art of wrecking
25 wins:- winners dont lose
30 wins:- Victorious!
35 wins:- Unworthy foes!
40 wins:- a win a day keeps the loses away
45 wins:- mad wins
50 wins:- Champion
55 wins:- sick wins
60 wins:- A formidable army
65 wins:- Vengeance is mines
70 wins:- Rising storm
75 wins:- A Born Natural
80 wins:- Hall of wins
85 wins:- Veteran
90 wins:- A Force to be reckoned with
95 wins:- Impossible!
100 wins:- Bruce Lee!


1 week: Your Alive!
1 Month: Good job!
4 Months: A milestone
8 Months: Keep hope alive
1 year: Clan's 1st Anniversary
2 years: Good thing going
3 years: Unbreakable Bond
4 years: Clan is lit!
5 years: How do you do it!!!

War win streak

3 win streak:- 3 times a charm
6 win streak:- Unscathed
9 win streak:- Get Slain!
12 win streak:- blood sweat and streaks!
15 win streak:- cant touch this!

Breaking war streak

1 war streak broken:- Takedown!
3 war streak broken:- Clans not hot!
5 war streak broken:- Badass
10 war streak broken:- No mercy
15 war streak broken:- Super Savage mode!!!
Last edited by xninja1332; Nov 10, 2017 at 05:13 PM.
NINJA DAB (>0_0)>
Achievements have been added, regotten, Yuma, Ele and xninja1332 got TC rewards for coming up with descriptions. Thanks for participation!

(let me know if I used your description but forgot to send TC, there's a small chance I messed up)
Originally Posted by sir View Post
Achievements have been added, regotten, Yuma, Ele and xninja1332 got TC rewards for coming up with descriptions. Thanks for participation!

(let me know if I used your description but forgot to send TC, there's a small chance I messed up)

A bit confusing. are you still looking for descriptions?
You can't fight change. You can't fight nature.