I agree @Micah.

The word "nigger" and "nigga" have a deeper meaning and history to it than most pronouns. Especially in regards to black folk.

Of course, it just isn't right when white people say "nigga" (mostly because it is cringe and less because of context or meaning for me). In general, I prefer when people call me by my name or by any other pronoun. Even amongst other black peeps, I dislike when someone calls me "nigga".

The term actually comes with a certain image . . . and not a good one. I am not a "nigga" and I never want to be known as a "nigga". I am not disowning my racial background, but being black and being a "nigga" are two different things.

. . . now as for the internet, I don't care. Lol. Just no hard "r".
Last edited by Yuma; Dec 17, 2017 at 05:27 AM.
Meh. I think I need to quit toribash for a bit.
*Opinion passing by not contributing to current discussion* I don't have a problem with this video, in fact I like the idea, but I don't like how they take these two extreme stereotypes as examples and make it sound like they share opinions with majority of the population in US which is completely misleading for everyone.

I feel like at the end of the day this song can do more harm than good in some cases, because it is clearly "white vs black" and even though it has a good message, if a black person sees this video he will think "oh well then, every white person thinks like this guy, fuck them".

Overall good message, but could have been executed without these two extreme characters.
Originally Posted by Smaguris View Post
*Opinion passing by not contributing to current discussion* I don't have a problem with this video, in fact I like the idea, but I don't like how they take these two extreme stereotypes as examples and make it sound like they share opinions with majority of the population in US which is completely misleading for everyone.

I feel like at the end of the day this song can do more harm than good in some cases, because it is clearly "white vs black" and even though it has a good message, if a black person sees this video he will think "oh well then, every white person thinks like this guy, fuck them".

Overall good message, but could have been executed without these two extreme characters.

I completely agree. YOU ARE CONTRIBUTING, lol. I think the idea is to show that both extremes are a little stupid, and not to make people believe that everyone is like that, but you're 100% right, a person could totally think that, and that represents a huge flaw in the video.

The video has a good message. Some unfortunate externalities though.
My opinion On racism
In All seriousness racism is a devastating thing i am black myself i try to spread the word around my neighborhood to be caring and how doesn't matter the skin color I'm a civilized black male boy who knows the cruel ways of racism and why and how it should not be a thing. i use civilized terminology or talk in a sophisticated way and surround my self with nice considerate people I love all people and humans yes they make mistakes but they can be fixed In conclusion Racism WILL be extracted from our country IF WE WORK TOGETHER
Originally Posted by ninobrown View Post
i use civilized terminology or talk in a sophisticated way


You realize that some black people are uncivilized right?

Being black shouldn't inherently mean anything at all. I believe that even culture should never become race specific. Race-specific ideology only leads to division; its a sad truth.

Like I said before:

Everything has to be case by case.
Sorry, but I really HAD to quit this video after a few seconds because of following reasons:
This guy starts with saying nigga like 8 times, maybe he wants to prove some kind of point but then I continue listening and he just stole bars! His lyrics are stolen and he continues to talk like he is 100% black.

Sorry but for me every track needs to have at least a beginning which is created individually, not with stolen lyrics. I wish I could continue hearing this, because he may have a message... but why is he stealing lyrics ? that is sooo unprofessional and lame bruh..
Enjoint life
Originally Posted by Smaiva View Post
Sorry, but I really HAD to quit this video after a few seconds because of following reasons:
This guy starts with saying nigga like 8 times, maybe he wants to prove some kind of point but then I continue listening and he just stole bars! His lyrics are stolen and he continues to talk like he is 100% black.

Sorry but for me every track needs to have at least a beginning which is created individually, not with stolen lyrics. I wish I could continue hearing this, because he may have a message... but why is he stealing lyrics ? that is sooo unprofessional and lame bruh..

Can you not be completely daft for once and actually make it a point to understand what you're interpreting before you spew nonsense in a discussion thread?

Nothing in this song is "stolen" I'm not sure where you got this misconception from. Can you please give an example and references to the lyrics which are stolen? If you took any time to realize what the song actually entails, the artist is speaking for both perspectives. Those being The White man and Black man at the table. Nothing is stolen and Joyner Lucas' voice is portraying both sides of the message that is trying to be voiced.

The consistent use of the N word, both the a and er variant, are there to drill the point in that the way these different races use the word are very polar to one another. The lyric "N****, that word was originated for you to keep us under
And when we use it, we know that's just how we greet each other
And when you use it, we know there's a double meaning under
" very clearly points this out to you.

Seriously, just listen to the song and then watch the Genius video. It's a lot of clarity and meaning to things that might not have been clear from listening to it in the first place. There is clear reasoning for the unorthodox and in your face intro. Don't insult the artist who's addressing a serious problem with false claims and stick to the topic that is brought forth by the song. Also, nice thread Necro.

Originally Posted by Veoo View Post

You realize that some black people are uncivilized right?

Being black shouldn't inherently mean anything at all. I believe that even culture should never become race specific. Race-specific ideology only leads to division; its a sad truth.

Like I said before:

Everything has to be case by case.

Despite the previous mentioning of extreme ends of the spectrum, and the common misconception that the song could be considered bad for the sake of sparking bad ideas, you're mostly right.

It is case by case but there is a clear population of African Americans that unfortunately do exhibit many traits and actions the song addresses. Though it should be case by case, the fact that it isn't leads to these stigma of "This person is black, so they probably do X, Y, and Z. I should avoid them." Every "gangster" on the street isn't loaded with a gun and apart of a gang. Being black now should just refer to withstanding the old days which are now gone, and living in a world where equality reigns supreme over all. However I disagree on your point of culture. Culture should be known for originating from one place or race, but not be limited to that race. At the same time, one should not be scolded or looked down upon for inheriting these cultures.
|[TA]|[MLO]|Team Pokemon|
Fear sucks eggs
How can you be sure the lyrics are not stolen ? he is saying something like "I see a black man handling the gun, but I rather see a black man aiming the sun" and this line is totally 100% stolen, I think he is not even giving credits to masta ace isn't he ?

I cannot continue watching this, for me there is no color of skin I always try to look inside people and get to know them, exacly like that. Maybe I am standing over proving such a point, because I don't get the concept of racism and I do not care in which stage he is trying to wake up people. I am at my level and cannot respect this, somebody is trying to get attention in 2018 with some 1995 lyrics like who the fck is he ??

I may be a little negative about this video, but well would you like to see somebody steal a door, paint it with his color and get cheered for that ? me not.
Enjoint life