im gonna sound like a cuck but when i played dota and league i just couldnt like dota, its too dark and just no vibe to it, league seems more fun as a casual player :P
My brother is over for the holidays and he's allowing me to use his laptop so it's my first time player Dota 2 since the 22nd of May. Did my 10 ranked matches and I got Archon 2 which is 2800MMR which isn't great but yeah. My steam name is fat_saeed if you wanna play add me my dude.
Originally Posted by Karmaaa
im gonna sound like a cuck but when i played dota and league i just couldnt like dota, its too dark and just no vibe to it, league seems more fun as a casual player :P
I don't blame you. I started playing Dota 2 first in 2012 I think during closed beta and didn't enjoy it as much. Then I moved to LoL and played it for 3 years since it was so simple compared to Dota 2. But I quit because of Runes, Masteries and Summoner Spells shit is just so annoying and unfair.