I used to be part of the PromoTeam on 2008, group in charge of events back then, and I am now in the Events Squad, group in charge of events right now. I was also part of GKs, GMs and other hosting groups, so I will tell you, from my point of view, some things that could explain why the present group is better than previous ones (not all the reasons but enough to make a point):
What I certainly could tell you is that despite the groups being managed totally differently from each other, I see more people actually hosting things ingame nowadays. Not to mention that, for example, at PT moment some hosters (some of the most "active" ones) were afk during the whole tourney, and didn't bother to moderate nor entertain people in the queue. Oh, and 99.99% of the times they were KO tourneys only, not the whole variant of events ES is hosting right now.
Not to mention the forum events, which are getting better and better with the years.
If you want to make a complaint about ANYTHING specific, feel free to do it, but please, make a valid point.