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If they wanted to accept migrants/refugees they would just accept migrants/refugees. There's no benefit in forcing themselves to accept them when they clearly have the choice to do so anyway. Especially not to the point where they are struggling to deal with the scale of the influx of people.
The European Union is not a country with a single government making decisions. It has many separate countries with different opinions.
France, Germany and other liberal countries (Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden) want to accept ANY amount of migrants. Their opinion is that cheap workforce is good for the economy.
Middle and eastern european countries (Hungary, Poland, Czhechs, Slovakia, Austria) want border defense. Their opinion is that migrants are bad for culture and national identity.
You can check it out in the news: Merkel said from Germany: "Welcome refugees!" and Hungary built a border fence in the same time. And both of them are part of the European Union. Currently the EU is trying to make a law for accepting migrants so that every country does so. But not everyone agrees.
The liberals had this important argument in the debate so far: "We can't let refugees die." Even though most of the people coming to Europe were economic migrants. If the Syrian conflict is over they can't call them refugees anymore and lose this argument in the debate.
Last edited by Uncas23; Apr 21, 2018 at 01:57 PM.