Here are a couple of problems and ideas:
1. what would be the input data? Sure replays - but how to encode them for the AI?
I am thinking the easiest way is to use a 3D space with coordinates of both toris joints at each timer stop along with the states of the joints that caused them. Perhaps even input the gravity, grab/no grab mod and all relevant physics stuff.
The 3D data could be handled by a 3D covnet and the joint states could be handled by a feed forward stack of layers, which could be concatenated into a LSTM or GRU type of layer. The output of the LSTM layer would have 21, 4 state neurons (do not know of any implementation of this now but I will dig a bit) which basically predict the next joint state.
2. what would be the loss function - how to score what is good and what is bad?
One would need to score each timer stop as well as the end of the match.
Damage dealt can be used as input to a loss functions but this is not all that significant for many mods, and has little correlation with the winner of the match. Perhaps avoid scoring at all unless fracture of dismemberment has occurred.
3. Great variety of mods.
In my opinion it would be hard to make an overall AI but rather an AI for each class of similar mods.
4. Lack of available data.
I trust that at least 100k replays per mod would be required to even consider attempting something like an AI, and even then there would need to be a stringent human level replay review to remove non relevant replays such as too short replays, replays when one player was really bad, where players did not make contact and so on.
When I consider the amount of effort needed to attempt this I think the time can be spent wiser on some other AI task. Most likely the end result would be either a really bad AI which would lose most of the time or a really good (unfair advantage) AI no one would like to play against.
A Keggle competition with real money prizes would be a good kick off, however I don't think tb is in a state to offer that kind of incentive.
If I knew about AI as much as I expect in two years, eight years ago (when tb was the holy grail for me) I would have definitely attempted it
Last edited by missuse; Aug 7, 2018 at 10:17 PM.