enough with wushu now
Storytime #5
After this whole wushu ordeal i kept playing wushu almost exclusivley at first but some time after that i decided to give other striking mods more then just a try.
This was the time i started switching to lenshu and rkmma.
I will focus on the rkmma part for now.
I already said once that the first time i played rk i figured that the dojo was way too small with the given gravity but once u get used to it the size is actually quite nice,and guess what,running is almost impossible here(expect for the last few turns),only thing that still bothers me a little is that pushes which lead to a ringout are still somewhat op in rk but its a real nice mod nonetheless.
Back then there was a public rkmma room which i played in often,there i met some people who i want to talk about a little.
Always silent but a real awesome rk player who always played for style instead of winnig.He was gone for a long time from tb but coincidently i met him few weeks ago and he even talked to me lol.
At that time a member of [Reaper] , a dead clan now, great rk player ,great marketeer and dueler and an overall nice person.He is still a friend of mine in tb and im happy he joined fl0w some time after Reaper died.
At that time the leader of Reaper and also some kind of admin of TB.Ik he was a buddy of hampa in some way and ,if what he told me its true,this guy was the boss of his own firm which made cgi for big moviefirms.I first wouldnt believe it but at some point he posted a wip of a clanvideo for Reaper and it had such a high quality that i actually started to believe him.Very wealthy guy apparently.Also very nice ingame.
As i started to get better in rk Vipertech , Destram and Daeldir founded RMO, an organisation for all rk players, and started to recruit people for it.I joined shortly after it was founded.
In this org they organized a big Rkmma bracket event for the community with a big prize pool , which i thought was very cool and so i joined it.
That was my first bracket event in tb and i got kicked out by killer3366 in round 3 , which i considerd alright at that time,was lots of fun.
This was in 2014.
Some time later Vipertech made a post were he said he will leave tb because he suffers from major depressions and i havent seen him since then.A shame, whereever you are Viper,take care of yourself.
This lead to the death of [Reaper] since the clan activity dropped heavily after Vipertech left and it was ultimatly shut down.
Strangly enough, and maybe its just my point of view, but i think after that the interest in rk overall dropped also and at some point the public room was deleted which lead to go rk almost extinct apart from a few private rooms and some people continued to duel in it.
Last edited by Kane; May 20, 2019 at 05:21 PM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump