A young helpless noob, who had just joined in 1.92, Wertyterty Woundered, the few servers of toribash, looking for people to fight, he then found the toribash forums, a big ugly blue monstrosity, before him, later around the beggining of 2.0, Clans had started and he stumbled into the Evil clan, Where Ishi, had just left and Nukem took over. He was taken into the clan with open arms, after posting in a joining thread and providing one of his best replays, after a few weeks, he had advanced to being Nukems Right hand Nostril (lol) <--- doesnt really mean anything. Later than, his old account [Wertyterty] got deleted by his mother and he had made a new alias, known as Tertywerty. He then climbed the ranks once again and around 2.5 he became 2nd in command under the new leader, Taek. After the FP flood of 3.0 also concidered the "NoobRush" Taek, had went on vacation, or as his thread said, Hacienda, or somthing like that. He was then choosen to be the leader, he lead the clan for a few months then dropped out. x33 Anywho, thats my evil history.
Belt| 7Dan blackBelt
Joined| 1.92
Name| JamesWest
Specialties| Kicking the shit out of peoples nuts
Favorite Modes| Teakyon(Teakwon) and Wushu
PlayingStyle| Relaxed
Commas, and run on sentances| LOTS of them.
[Makes frequent spelling mistakes and spazes out evory so often]
[Puts ai in BYE cuase hes a fur faggot]