As of 23:59 Jan 29, there are officially:

7711 confirmed cases in China across 31 provinces

5794 suspected cases in 30 provinces. 81947/88693 are under medical observation

170 deaths and 1370 are severe cases. 162/170 deaths occurred in Hubei province (where Wuhan is). The rest are within various provinces in China
  • 17 deaths range from 48-89 years old. 14/17 deaths are of the elderly above 65 years old. Most have pre-existing conditions that seem to predispose to a more severe disease presentation. People who are already sick prior to infection may be more at risk due to decreased immunity. Some of these people had hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease. Death was typically the result of severe respiratory failure but includes others like multi-organ failure. Info on some of the remaining deaths is currently unknown
  • Healthy people have died
  • 124 people recovered
90 exported cases: Thailand (14), Japan (11), Hong Kong/Singapore (10), Taiwan (8), Macao/Australia/Malaysia (7 each), USA/France (5 each), Germany/South Korea/UAE (4 each), Canada (3), Vietnam (2), Nepal/Cambodia/Finland/Sri Lanka (1 each)

Initial symptoms
  • cough
  • fever (pyrexia possible absence in young individuals)
  • fatigue, discomfort (malaise), shortness of breath (dyspnea), dizziness, chest tightness, headache, muscle aches, chills, sore throat
  • possible atypical presentations in immunosuppressed/elderly.
No cure, care is supportive to relieve symptoms. Drugs and vaccines are being explored.

my country isnt even closing the borders from China they are just "preparing for outbreak" pretty weird if you ask me, haven't seen any comments on it from the prime minister

Global emergency has also apparently been declared from World Health Organization as of two hours ago

And actually David Icke has been around for a LONG time and everything he has said has ended up being predicted correctly (20+ years ago) so yeah laugh all you want, I don't actually watch or read anything from anyone so you aren't offending me by saying I'm gullible lol

I wouldn't be surprised if by the end of 2020 there are talks of a global currency and taking soverienty from countries
Last edited by JoboMan; Jan 30, 2020 at 10:57 PM.
I apologise for this post.
Bruh David Icke sounds like Alex Jones
Dargon Moderated Message:
Infracted for having the best goddamn replays in Toribash history.

I haven't listened or read any Alex Jones or David Icke but have just been told a couple of facts about Icke, I don't really believe anything from anyone to be honest, I don't even really believe in history... Have you ever played a game of Chinese whispers? Takes about three-eight people for the story to change, and there's billions of people on earth with liars, exaggerators, and more of the like with corruption and self gaining purposes... but that's a whole another discussion. What I'm saying is if you weren't there how can you know it's a fact, just cause someone wrote it? Cause some hot news lady told you? But does that make me some ignorant cunt that doesn't care about anything? Idk... But with all the fucked up world leaders atm I wouldn't be surprised if it was man made, and even if it is, we probably won't ever know, because some "facts" say otherwise. But I ain't gonna do the study myself, I have parties to attend
I apologise for this post.
God it would be really fun to engage with that, but I gotta remember what's wibbles and what isn't...

Wuhan symptoms sound a lot like flu, as well as how deaths are mostly associated with the old and those with pre-existing conditions, and that some are just recovering over time...

Any more information on this:
  • Healthy people have died

Originally Posted by DrGonz View Post
God it would be really fun to engage with that

Haha I bet, I can feel your fingers twitching
I apologise for this post.
The flu has been around for ages and our immune system has built a decent understanding against it.

nCoV-2019 is new and even healthy people and children could easily die with its effect of pnuemomia and respiratory illness without proper care, proper care will be accessible easily in wealthy countries unless it spreads efficiently to human-human and infects millions.

Most healthy people would be able to recover after a good immune fight. But your grandma? Your friend with asthma or existing lung problems?

These aren’t just numbers.
“Oh healthy people are ok so I’m fine.”

If this does reach the point where it is the next common cold and we fail to contain it in time it will continue to grow exponentially.

A Spanish flu type death rate is easily achievable with something like this, even more so if it spreads to areas of high population or bad healthcare (India would be devasting)

Just be prepared for any outcome

Here are some graphs updated daily comparing nCoV to other recent illnesses

There is no confirmation for this chart but it is just a simple exponential growth formula, it has so far respected the actual rates somewhat but take it with a grain of salt

As of now :

Infected - 9815( surpassed SARS)
Deaths - 213
Across 23 regions

China -9693 confirmed cases(every province of mainland China confirmed to have cases)
Thailand-14 confirmed cases
Japan-11 confirmed cases
Australia-9 confirmed cases
Malaysia-8 confirmed cases
South Korea- 6 confirmed cases
US - 6 confirmed cases
Canada- 3 confirmed cases
France-5 confirmed cases
Vietnam-5 confirmed cases
Germany-4 confirmed cases
Italy-2 confirmed cases
Finland-1 confirmed case
India-1 confirmed case
Cambodia-1 confirmed case
Philippines-1 confirmed case

Real time infection rate and news updates -
Last edited by Chilledon; Jan 31, 2020 at 06:21 AM.
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Originally Posted by Chilledon View Post
A Spanish flu type death rate is easily achievable with something like this

ok doomer
I'm living in China so I'll way in.

I think a fair amount of the news in many western countries (read: american news) is over-sensationalized to the point of being misinformation. I'm not saying it's fake news or anything but this virus is only barely worse than the flue in most cases and the death rate is never going to be anything like SARS. the main danger is the prolonged incubation period where people are contagious and don't show symptoms. The reason this virus has surpassed SARS in infection numbers is because many people who have it don't know. That being said China really isn't fucking around with this and is currently implementing curfews in my city where to be outside you must be wearing a mask at all times. Riding the subway now requires passing through a temperature check which while being a nice touch is also not super efective due to the aforementioned incubation period.

overall I still think this isn't worth the hype if you live in America or Europe you should be cautious for sure but you are currently exceedingly unlikely to actually get the virus and even then much more likely to have normal flu like symptoms then exhibit the critical respiratory issues.

but the news sites gotta get there clicks so....
Free Pv2Caribou
2 confirmed cases in the UK as of this morning. My weak immune system lookin ass is puckered now chaps.

My room mate's dad is an epidemics specialist (dunno the actual job title, but he specifically did research into how infrastructure and governments should react to epidemics) who recently retired, did a lot of work in Thailand. I'm gonna try and get his thoughts on the situation, I'd be interested to hear from someone who spent their whole life planning for epidemics.

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.