Secret Santa 2024
Originally Posted by basic View Post
you ever jack off for too long and your balls hurt afterwards

I'm not qualified on giving health advice. But try a cock ring. Odd comment, it surprised me.
Originally Posted by DaVillain View Post
Power to everybody, here. Let creations unfold. This is my writing, something I do when I write. It can entertain you, ignore you or confuse you, making sense of my writing won’t be your biggest mistake, but a trick decision. But the TB community deserves this, I have to serve my community in some way.

I enjoy the little things like writing these thoughts. It's freeing you should try it. I know a lot of people are not writers. Maybe they don’t acknowledge their thoughts in the form of writing. I admire that, some thoughts are better off not existing as in no thought power was there. They are a free ever flowing currency that can be destroyed and created at will at any point in time. What element can do that? What thing can every single human being manipulate to the same level as their thoughts.

What I think you should do if you aren’t doing already

Pick one thing and kill it, or pick a lot of things and absolutely kill it. How can you kill something? You kill the stress it brings on you. Example, working out, you can kill it. By enduring the stress you kill and/or execute that stress. Concept can apply to a lot of activities. How do you know you have killed something? You will know when you add more activities to it to add more stress. Stress is an instrument you play the kill song on.

Other thing:
Competition and obstacles are great. Handle them well, don’t half ass an obstacle, it will linger in your thoughts. It will tire you and lose your ability to kill. Then you are the one being killed.

Live Super, I will post daily.

Yeah! This is exactly how it feels to force yourself to overcome things. The best part is, you can sign up for things that help you "kill" stuff.

However, I would rather live in passion instead of analytics. Living in analytics comes with side effects, but that's a story I don't feel like explaining.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
Originally Posted by Link View Post
Yeah! This is exactly how it feels to force yourself to overcome things. The best part is, you can sign up for things that help you "kill" stuff.

However, I would rather live in passion instead of analytics. Living in analytics comes with side effects, but that's a story I don't feel like explaining.

It is very easy to stand behind living life in passion. Much power to that lifestyle, maybe I envy it. I cannot give you much of a tailored response your statement is too vague. Our mental connection fell short.

Think: Analytics is the language of passion.

Passion cannot create much, without a plan. Perhaps life is not planned, unpredictable. That's good, but you must have a plan of action even if that action is too live with no plan. Also I believe as human beings we are wired to be organized and analytical.

I wasn't planning to write about passions, but I will respond if you have any questions/ideas.

A Foundation to Life

A lot of heavy discussion that unfolds here is a very interesting to see. The responses

I release energy in the form of thought on a screen. Very obvious, but why not think to that level. Let's think simply because I think, thought can be very deadly. It is a beautiful art. The habit of thoughts. Remember that the only conqueror of the mind is action. I should refer the mind as the ego in the past sentence.

The Comments on these words have the appearance of elementary. Another individuals script of life is a comic to another. That feeling is freeing.

This mind will drag you or impower you.

If you're sad, please say why. What reason? What thought decides your thoughts of negativity? Feel good. Trust me it feels good.

Last edited by DaVillain; Dec 18, 2020 at 05:16 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Increase Power, Increase Energy
The true form of power comes in silence.

I quiet the mind, but never force the mind to do anything.

As life unfolds I feel younger, the sole purpose of life is to experience and eventually die. Create a meditation, create a yoga. Allow and more importantly prepare your body for great power through exercise and through yoga.

Lower your heart rate, ease tension in the body, drink plenty of water. Don't over eat, before you eat, feed another living thing first. You are the provider, nothing is provided for you. God or the universe has gifted you a mind a creator of thought. These thoughts can be magically and extremely powerful if you lower the rate and increase the intuition of thought. Never think you can out think or figure out your problems.

Gentleman, lower your thinking. Increase action, increase fearlessness. Your inner energy will never run out or run low. Through focus, you can increase your energy and in simply terms, action, will increase your energy.

Write daily, write down your goals, your limitations. Your greatest companions are your creations. Your greatest companions though are not always meant to stay with you forever.

I find it a sin to not share and spread these ideas, because this knowledge has been very endearing to me in my life. I must share it here as well for anyone who might read and understand.
Originally Posted by excute66 View Post
Silence is opposite of the true form of power.

Knowledge is only powerful if externalised, whether it through by words, action or by other means of self expression.

My message to whomever may be reading this is:



True, in order for the knowledge to be powerful the receiver must be able to have the capability of acknowledging the dense knowledge given.

Silence itself gives knowledge out, besides commands and war tactics. Silence is a very powerful teacher, and your response did not acknowledge that. Please revise.

Take a deep breath, and just go into the feeling of that breath. That silent void, and this one, and this one. Is the awareness, that communicates through silence. Through energy that cannot be picked up by your ears.

Silence is a self expression is it not?

Good point about externalizing knowledge. But I believe that happens naturally (release of information amongst other beings) if the source of this knowledge can calmly sit in silence and be accessed above the mind/ego.

The source of the knowledge should be pure, period. Purity sits in silence, because it has/needs no comment from the mind. But our self expression will float in the air and disappear, if we are not able to properly communicate and prepare dense pieces of information to another individual. The answer to doing that sits in the relaxing the calming silence. That's why it is very important. Please sit in silence or move around in silence after this, it is very freeing.
Originally Posted by basic View Post
i do not think therefore i do not am

Powerful stuff man.

Be you. Your happiness is a part of my inner peace.
Originally Posted by Banana View Post
Everyone is expected to have a unique perspective.. and the good thing about being different is that no one expects you to be like them.

That's what I admire the most, intending to peruse opportunities to make a difference in the lives of others. I also know that aiming for a perfect world as a starting goal is doomed for failure; we have to work within our limitations. Instead of changing old habits, create new ones.

In school competitions I was humbled but dead set on improving, the two biggest skills I learned in high school were how to be good at anything ( practice relentlessly and without excuses ) and how to pass on experiences so that the next generation starts with a heads up ( teach people how to be teachers )

As a human, try to contribute your open mind, creativity, curiosity, optimism, compassion and energy to lifelong friendships with positive experiences and wonderful memories. Also try to develop and purpose new perspectives, share innovative ideas, celebrate similarities and differences in an exclusive accepting environment

I've sometimes struggled with the fear of failure; I've learned over time however how to comfort my fears and make my best effort rather than fearing what might go wrong.. It led me discover a very valuable lesson " You learn more from failure than anything else " It is in these moments that one must engage in self-reflection and self-reliance.

What I hope to contribute most is not what I say but what I do without speaking - listening with empathy. In a perfect world you can develop your ability to listen by exposing yourself to completely new perspectives and grow beyond what you can even imagine right now.

1) For you to aim at a perfect world, you create a perfect world in your mind, suggesting that the world you live in now is not perfect/invaluable. That is the error. But continue for now... After you created that perfect world look through it in first person. Through your own eyes. and Live in that perfect world. Make it a reality. Any challenge that your mind will throw at this suggestion is the ego, silence it and continue this will not hurt you. ;)

2) Unique perspective only becomes productive if it can me molded into current productive standards. Examples: greater output than input. Low cost, high pay off. If the perspective doesn't add value it is irrelevant to us as a whole. If it is relevant to you and only to you. That power becomes harder to ingrain in you. As you do not take on followers and perhaps any friends.

3) Well said on how to acquire any skill. It is very to the point and quite frankly correct. Power to you.

4) Change the fear into excitement, it will do wonders for you and it will not take a toll on your energy. As much as fearing something does.

Change: "This scares me.." to "This excites me.." This energy will now be translated properly from your outside world into your inside, vise versa.

Please revise, live free. Get up early, read, smile and take cold shower. Relentlessly take on your passions, your obstacles. Move forward, it is very easy if you change it to easy. You are the creator, believe it or not.
Last edited by DaVillain; Dec 26, 2020 at 01:03 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Foundation of Life 2

I speak on things that are wonderful. I speak like you speak. I am the communicator. Are you able to respect something? Anything. You choose. This respect you have is gold. The respect. Is. Gold. Like a million dollars in your hand. Write what act you respect. Not a writer? Just think about it then...Even doing that will take you far...

Let's pick up from where we left off.

For those that read these, I doubt its most of you. You must be wondering why I am writing these ideas, on here. There are more appropriate places. Good idea, think about it.

You can choose to like it or not like it. You choose if this writing means something to you or not. This is not a mindfuck this is something that people forget they have the freedom to do. To choose.