I still don't understand what the idea was to strip official status from clans that understandably don't have activity like they used to. The game has a high entry threshold. It's not some shooter type shit or something like that. (Although there is a really good tutorial for the basics of the game. It's at least interesting.)

I realize there would be an influx (is that word appropriate in context? I don't know) of new players. But there isn't. Motivation in the form of saving [brackets] is not going to make the game more interesting. Time passes, people come and go from TB. There's just nothing to do here sometimes. The game is almost 18 years old, lmao

No, I realize I'm stupid and may not see the reason for this regulatory scheme. But the plan sucks. I thought the game's community activity was kept active by completely different methods.

Again, I could be very wrong, but you have to want to play the game. The process should be fun, shouldn't it? As it is, it's a chore that few people are really interested in. There is more socializing going on than people playing with each other. I'm not talking about the constant checks of "conditional" activity.

Again, I'm not trying to be right, I generally don't need to be. But I get the impression that it clearly wasn't the best way to keep things on. An attempt has been made to fix what isn't broken. Feels like some kind of routine/chore.
It took me ten years to find the answer to something, and I forgot about it in two seconds
Fine then just delete all official clans at this point because there is no reason to differentiate between official and unofficial
if thats the case then why not just leave the fucking official clans where they already are whats there to be gained from doing that why do you yearn for less
you assholes just don't get it. official clan status was meant to be sacred. you toris have toyed with the laws of the bash. and you wonder why your god damned game is dying. keep your fucking official status. choke on it. see if i give a flip
clan this clan that idk whats problem, clans sux anywayz ,with activity check it waz always abot shitpost crosspost all over, like invaderz not welcome but still posting, WTF! staff nevr ban them but wen i go post "yes" in no's clanboard they sudnly care and ban for a week ? close every clan now
u wqnt tags? place [BEST] in front of name in ur login page and u get it in ur replay namez, very epic
i promis u try orgz and grooups then u never need clanz anymore, all i need is skype grup and #support irc

proof irc is gr8z

but wateverz, the solution for ur (STUPID ) issue is ezpz
i present to u...
systems restore

with one buton u can back up toribesh back to its gloryy

when u bring bak organz and discusion, 4chan will come bakc to toribash and we can p0wn llamas on ninjutsu, im on team pony forever ur all sux xDDDD collab to hate on llamas, get achievement and share likez on toribesh grouop facebook!!

finaly...i sent this sugestion to all gms in game, they seem to mute me on every server but its ok to hate the future! lok at how they react to jarmund bot
me and my 48 alts name IIIlIlIIIlI will send them every day, im working for game to get best and les duncan agreez wit me

i see u next weeknd's gmbets, we all geting hamerd to remember toris i beat on classic tbm

great song i swer
dont forget

beat the zoidberg

im sure gms will try ban me after tihs post i say get trolololld u cant ban me i haz cheeseburg and good sheild
f-word urselvz (cant say it im only 36 yerz old )

born to be human, proud to be american, sux im neither xdd
^ i cant afford pic in my sig, can i haz plx?
Originally Posted by Nokia View Post
clan this clan that idk whats problem, clans sux anywayz ,with activity check it waz always abot shitpost crosspost all over, like invaderz not welcome but still posting, WTF! staff nevr ban them but wen i go post "yes" in no's clanboard they sudnly care and ban for a week ? close every clan now
u wqnt tags? place [BEST] in front of name in ur login page and u get it in ur replay namez, very epic
i promis u try orgz and grooups then u never need clanz anymore, all i need is skype grup and #support irc

proof irc is gr8z

but wateverz, the solution for ur (STUPID ) issue is ezpz
i present to u...
systems restore

with one buton u can back up toribesh back to its gloryy

when u bring bak organz and discusion, 4chan will come bakc to toribash and we can p0wn llamas on ninjutsu, im on team pony forever ur all sux xDDDD collab to hate on llamas, get achievement and share likez on toribesh grouop facebook!!

finaly...i sent this sugestion to all gms in game, they seem to mute me on every server but its ok to hate the future! lok at how they react to jarmund bot
me and my 48 alts name IIIlIlIIIlI will send them every day, im working for game to get best and les duncan agreez wit me

i see u next weeknd's gmbets, we all geting hamerd to remember toris i beat on classic tbm

great song i swer
dont forget

beat the zoidberg

im sure gms will try ban me after tihs post i say get trolololld u cant ban me i haz cheeseburg and good sheild
f-word urselvz (cant say it im only 36 yerz old )

born to be human, proud to be american, sux im neither xdd
^ i cant afford pic in my sig, can i haz plx?

This is a post straight out of 2009
Originally Posted by Sora View Post
This is a post straight out of 2009

ive never read a dryer comment in my 51 yrs life 🤣🤣🤣🤣

yea its time to close the thread boys
i think clan activity checks are kinda irrelevant in the context of how things are right now. making them strict isn't gonna make people magically start playing again, if anything it might push the people we somehow still have away.

the game is undeniably dying like it has been for many many years, and while there are things that were done incorrectly/straight up not done, it's also natural considering the game came out in 2006. but with that being said, i personally believe that the biggest factor contributing to the game's downfall (excluding the incredibly niche concept) is the severe lack of meaningful updates for the modmaker. it's still extremely primitive boasting no scripting integration, both singleplayer (i think) and multiplayer. i presume it'd be a lot of work so i understand why it wasn't done, but it just always remains as a massive "what if" in my mind. what if this was done before people who make mods went extinct? i don't think the game would be sprawling with activity right now, obviously, but hey at least it would probably be doing a bit better, right?

i've always fancied the idea of a mod where the first turn is a character selection screen, which will dictate how your tori is modified (you would "space" by confirming your choice, reactiontime could still be applied but if you don't make a choice before the time runs out you get forced to play with a random tori). could be used for a fighting-game-inspired bracket championship. in my opinion it would be competitive in nature but also wacky and noob friendly because realistically noone would have a massive edge with the silly toris.

eh, i know this isnt really what the thread is about but i guess i just wanted to share that thought, maybe 1 day it'll become something more lol.

tldr: i dont think making clan activity checks strict is good for the game currently, and a bunch of rambling about something that's not even relevant to the discussion but i wanted to share it anyway you probably shouldn't read it if you value your time.
fimmy toribsah discorD DECAPgo be on fire somewhere elseₜₕₑ fᵢᵣetck listener