Stick it's head into water until just until it drowns, then force feed its mouth marbles as you shove your right arm into its throat. As it regurgitates, only water will come out as it has layed all the marbles in eggs.
Originally Posted by grumpyman2 View Post
For this, you'll need colored and clear glass shards, a glass-blowing furnace and tube, cancerous cells in a syringe, a nearby hospital, scissors, cure for cancer.

First, heat up your tube in the furnace. Then, dip in glass shards. Place tube in furnace, while blowing lightly on the other end. Take out of oven, repeat until you get desired marble amount. Then, inject the chicken with the cancerous cells. Take it to the local hospital. When it's lying in bed, use the scissors to cut open the drip bag, and insert marbles. Marbles will enter the blood stream, and eventually go to the stomach lining. The lining will break, and the marbles will be in the chicken's stomach. Cure cancer.

Behold, your chicken has eaten marbles.

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Step 1: Acquire plenty of marbles, and a long tube at the size of the marbles.
Step 2: Put the tube into the chickens beak.
Step 3: Load the tube with marbles. If the chicken hasn't swallowed the marbles, proceed to...
Step 4: Ram a long, thin pole down the tube, forcing the marbles into the chickens stomach.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Hmm... if you really wanted to force marbles down living asofogosses (wtf) you could take a small (or big if you like it kinky) bag of marbles and shove it up the chickens ass. That way... the marbles will like enfuse into the eggs, and when people eat the eggs, not only are the marbles in the chicken, but someone is eating your marbles :3
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This thread is pretty simular to this:

BTW you grab a tong and take the marbles to the left and then "SMACK!!"¨

Now you have force fed the chicken with marbles.
Member [o]f Incognito
1. Paint the marble yellow to look like grains

2. Feed chicken false grains

3. Wtf get off my lawn.
Fonzie be with you.
real story:

i went to a neighborhood lake, where there was lots of seagulls. i fed them some peices o bread rolled in small chunks. i almost ran out, so i just threw some rocks too, and some rocks raped in bread. IT WORKS.

same thing will apply to marbles and chickens too.
- its been a while
1.) Find a crashed UFO.
2.) Reverse engineer alien techology.
3.) Use alien technology to beam the marble into the chicken's stomach.
4.) Rinse/repeat.
5.) Enjoy your marble-filled chicken.
Originally Posted by dethreaper View Post
1.) Find a crashed UFO.
2.) Reverse engineer alien techology.
3.) Use alien technology to beam the marble into the chicken's stomach.
4.) Rinse/repeat.
5.) Enjoy your marble-filled chicken.

Thats a good and easy idea....i will try xD