43 out of 60..

72%... the Sqauare melons one got me because they looked shiney so I thought they were pottery or something and I got it wrong
You answered 57 items out of 60 correctly.

Your score is 95%. Excellent job!

Meh, too easy.
[23:19] <HebrewHamr> i'm catholic
meeeh... :

Photo Quiz: Spot the Fakes!

That answer was correct!

You answered 47 items out of 60 correctly.

Your score is 78%. Good job!

Continue: Test Your Urban Legends IQ!
I refuse to grab.
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This test is kind of rediculous, the Mid-Air plane collision one especially, planes have crashed in mid air, and cabins opened up like that, however it is obvious that the photo isn't real, but that the actual legends of it happening are.

The dead wife in coffee table is also flawed, there is this man who had his wife die and wanted to preserve her body. She went through some sort of preservation and was put in a glass box.

Work moose is also silly. It is obvious that people use powerful animals such as buffaloes, cows, and most likely moose to help move heavy objects. I don't see how using a moose to pull things is false.

52% >.>
the god