Christmas Lottery
hey guys i do have some bad news. my workstation broke down. i hope that i can save my replays etc...
i hope i will be back soon...
i ´m ingame inactive for 1-2 weeks cause I need a couple of days without tb (if u play/make sth too often it starts to be boring for you....and because i won´t be bored while playing tb I make a little break)

and at the forums...uhhhh I´ll post sth. all 2-3 days ^^
pwned by white belts:∞ times
sold my soul for 80 tc to this guy :3
im back
fixed some hardware-problems. two things broke down (first was the mainbord)
i payed 120 euro (new graphiccard too hehe)
nao 4850 pro HD

Ill may be away for some days, im at my pal now, but my computer has some problems, and i may be not there some days