I guess I'll start filling out the individual form then. I'll edit it in here when I'm done.
Also, I'm curious as to what everyone's timezone is. I rarely see you guys online. Mine is +11:00.
Big D boogies to and fro, hither and yon. Whence comes he? No man knows. Whither strikes he next? All men live in fear of him and his moxie. Big D is a highly trained professional disco bandit. Beware of his amazing offensive maneuvers such as his Disco Eye Poke and Disco Dance of Doom. Not only is he great offensively but with moves such as his Disco Power Nap, he is also very defensive. Did I mention his great moxie? This moxious character can moxiously steal his own moxious pants off his own moxious legs without him moxiously knowing! That pretty damn moxious. But being so moxious like that has its downsides. Very few people trust him. Not even Big D. Only his pimpload of hoes trust him. What can I say? They HAVE to trust him. Otherwise he ‘gone pimpslap dem hoes. He is a very shady character. You can never tell what he is currently doing. You may think he’s reading a book but he’s secretly playing GTA on his PSP. You may think he’s only ditching his friends to have a night out with his 3 new hoes but he’s actually plotting some sort of surprise/day out etc. to make his friends happy. Yep, he may look shady, gangsta and totally moxious but at heart, he is actually very thoughtful (but still pretty moxious). He wears just casual clothes. Baggy jeans (ridin’ low bro), white no sleeve shirt, FULLY SICK VOLLEYS WITH FUCKIN' KNIVES HIDDEN INSIDE and a pair of big sunnies. He's black, talks black*, acts black and is black.
*Lotsa swearing (even the N word =0) involved so if you (by you I mean Jok) wish to keep it clean then get rid of that part. Also PM if you (Jok) want help for the black talk.
Also moxie = skill/charisma
Last edited by DeeJayy741; Feb 23, 2009 at 11:34 AM.