Yeah thanks guys. This is the biggest welcome ibve ever had.
Hur Hur! Secret replay place!
Replay 1- A replay that I think will work great, has 3 steps in it. It's a jump-back-to-dodge-them-move-in-for-the-kill move.
Replay 2- Another 3 turn move. Probably wont work to well unless they stay high up.
Replay 3- 2 handed punch, similar to a move I saw someone do, not exactly the same though. (1st turn movement is though... I think?)
Replay 4- A move made by impro in MP, a kick that works very well against most people.
Replay 5- Simple kick from wushu, if all else might as well use this. It's effective.
Replay 6- Another punch, 1 handed this time. It's almost the same as replay #3.
Replay 7- 3 turn move, should work well. It's kind of like a double kick, looks cool.
Use these if you want and feel free to mess around with them to create something better.
Last edited by Suspect; Mar 30, 2009 at 09:31 AM.