War, shut it. It's mainly a matter of opinion. The fact is, when it comes down to sheer exclusive content, power, and reliability (I've only heard of a PS3 malfunctioning once for no reason; I've heard of red rings a few dozen times by now), the PS3 is better. When it comes down to sheer enjoyment, it's impossible for either to be considered better, since you can't quantitatively rate fun or adjust for various opinion. The only problem here is the majority of 360 and PS3 fans aren't elitist dicks, but there seems to be this messed up group of fanboys like you who have this desperate obligation to try and make one console look better then the other. Halo 3 was disgraceful compared to the others, and while the online was good, it in itself isn't half as good as any of the games listed. Gears Of War- basically the 360 version of Resistance. Only with added chainsaws. By the way, all the games listed by QQ were given amazing ratings by both critics and players. Most of them were nominated for several awards. Leave the discussion on topic.
Anyways, I would strongly recommend you get GTA IV. The original that came out in April was fantastic, with several dozen little side missions you could undertake, ultra realistic gameplay, and orgasmic online experiences. There's now also extra missions and mods out that you can download for free from the Playstation Store. It has tons of replay value. I can't say anything about Dead Space since I haven't played it, but it looks good.
Also be on look out for MAG later this year.
Last edited by Ragdollmaster; Mar 3, 2009 at 10:40 PM.