Actually screw it, I'm taking on members agian CUJODOG your in, Triplem post what I specified in the first post regarding joining then you can join.
Last edited by Fee; Mar 8, 2009 at 03:29 PM.
awesome looks cool,

Your current Belt/QI:blue belt and umm...not sure bout tha QI(curse my noobishness
Your GMT and Activity times:i live in kentucky and its 1:53 PM rite now lol, i generally get on after school for about an hour or so
Your DIAF rank e.g. SF:New Flame
Why you want to join: cuz i was invited and i think it looks purty dern cool lol
we seem to have a problem.. cujo is in 2 houses at the moment. also, you are getting close to your house limit. only a third of the clan is allowed, otherwise this would be unfair, and we have 30 members. that means 10 people at the moment max for your house.
Last edited by CANNIBLE; Mar 9, 2009 at 12:44 AM.
Ok thanks for the heads up Cann I will speak to Cujo and sort this out. Don't worry I'm watching my limit .