Hmm, if cheze does it by himself though - like, really making a pixel art or whatever. Then hell he's good and I owe him appologies for the above >.> .
Nikelaos says:
i do believe that you me and brain have the most detailed heads in RA high-5
Sahee says:
did you do your head?
Nikelaos says:
Sahee says:
so it's a high five ;p
all of us did
Nikelaos says:
nvm missunderstood the question
brain did my head *cries*
Sahee says:
ow ;(
he needs two fives then O:
but as I can get only 1 for making only my head
and it's only us who are hi-5-ing
this is kinda problematic.
Nikelaos says:
you're gonna need to have a really big hand
Sahee says:
that's true. we can try to fit two of his hands on my one.
by tilting it sideways 90 degrees
Problems seem to be solving themselves today :P.
Last edited by Sahee; Apr 7, 2009 at 01:01 AM.