Just to clarify
for some reason a dark line was added in the spinny at the middle of the back
and there was a quality loss, but the actual head file is still in great quality
i like it.. im not og.. but im his BF (Not Homo) and like i would say its worth around 1k max.. because it isnt that complex to make bro.
im pretty sure he will give you 1k or so bro.
RedDevil is leading me by the cock Date the ban will be lifted: 06-29-2009, 04:00 AM ٩๏̯͡๏)۶
hey macshiz... i like =] even though head still dnt look right =/.. kinda looses value.. ill buy the one u just posted up for 1k... or umm ill take both.for 3 k =] yes..? no..? maybe...?