Re: MMO cons
Originally Posted by Hamade
how about a MMO in the age of the ROman Empire where you start of as an civilian and build your way up to General or up to an Gladiator. Would be extremely awesome. Or an MMORPG in the time of WWII. Just some few suggestion. Casue most MMO's are always around the middleages.

There's an MMOFPS called World War II Online.
Re: MMO cons
Repetetive grinding for levels and point and click combat would have to be the worst.

Also, level requirements for certain equips seem a bit illogical, sometimes.
Agreed on the illogical equipment (awesome link)
One thing I hate is the lack of variation- More often than not, your saving to get a more powerful weapon, or a shield with better defense. And every single piece of equipment is essentially exactly the same. What would be cool is if you could base the appearance of equipent on various templates and then build the stats from there.

Also, an idea that me and two friends (not mentioning names in case they don't want to be heralded) is that you dont buy equipment per se, but you buy modifiers- say you have 4 slots in a sword, 2 for its attributes and 2 for its cosmetic appearance, and you can equip a strength and fire modifier into the sword to make it more powerful, and light and futeristic modifiers to make it a lightsaber.

That post lasted much longer than i wanted...
I don't Like how you can see a sword in a dead body but you can not pick it up.
I also hate how you have to start the same way and all have the same story.
I also hate how you Kill a guy and get is head and 10000 have done it.
Also hate how you are not know like in WoW you might slay evry dragon kill the most people but the people in town wont be like "ZOMG THAKKORTAR"
You can't Be king
You can see a guy but some thing is stoping you from hitting him like if some one steals you kill you can't Just kill him...
half of the Bears do not have bear claws!!!!!!
And most of all you can not loot other people that you kill they are laying there but you can't pick up there hat and put it on.
I hate hp and mana / w/e potions D:<

Also spells and abilities that are done to death, doesn't hurt to use your imagination a bit. >_>

And ofc combat systems that don't require any gaming skill at all!
HIYAAAAAAaaa FACEKICK IN YOUR FACE....... Nah i'm just kidding
Endless grinding is what repels me.
@m0o: dude fuck
@m0o: fail guys like chac and blam make me want to suicide
@m0o: theyre probably the most annoyingly boring people I have ever met in my life
@m0o: and I know a girl with a monobrow who speaks in monotone
I don't like when you don't know how many kind of armours/weapons are available... i like variety like alot of items...
Je fixe les gens même lorsqu'ils s'en appercoivent...

Blame the fact that english is not my default language of communication...
I hate the fact that people are not more important if they are a higher level. If you want inspiration, look at Goonzu (a brilliant game, but because I had been playing Maple Story just before hand, I didn't like it [Maple Story sucks, and this looked just like a 3d version of Maple Story])
Goonzu is a brilliant example of what an MMO should be like.
First Post

My friend told me to try flyff. I tried it. When I first started it looked okay. I got my first quest and it told me to get 500 plant seed or something. You have to kill 20 enemies to get one plant. But the plant might not have a seed in it. It was so repetitive and dull, that I uninstalled it.

The only MMO I still play (which isn't totally an mmo) Is Adventure quest and dragon fable. Sometimes I play MythWar. I play guildwars once in a while. Cant stand any other MMOs.