Depends on how big the hostage-taker is, if it's just one, and what kind of weapon he/she has. Unarmed and picking on some midget, threatening to choke them or whatever, I'd take their ass out. Preferably not with hand to hand combat, y'know, more like, oh, a chair thrown to the head. (It's good if you can fight head-on, but if you can avoid it, all the better.) Guy with a knife, mmm, maybe. Depends on his size. If he's bigger than me, I might be able to delay him, but I'd probably get slashed at least once or twice, which is all you need to bleed out o_o Smaller than me and I'd break his arm(s). Person with a gun... again... maybe. Probably not. If I could get in stealthily and knock his ass out, yeah.
Leave them alone, what the hell are you gonna do about it anyway? If the dude has a gun, it's in the middle of nowhere and he's about to blow someone away, you'd be a witness to a murder and he's like;y to come after YOU.
So, I'd just get the fuck out of there. At high speed.