Ohh thats sad , i had 2 dogs . One was old , second was sick with something. They died . Now i have new dog . But i know losing a pet is very painful , because everyday you meet your dog , you feed him and fondle him. That's sad , like losing a friend.
ooohh... my mom has had so many dogs, like 12, but her favorite was a shi-tzu named priscilla. the next part makes me feel terrible, but... we had her in the car on the way to go shopping [i was sevenish] and i opened the door. priscilla ran out, straight into the street, through my door, and a small car came by and hit her. the driver, curse his soul, looked out the window, saw her, and sped off, leaving us without saying anything. we got her almost to a vet, but by then she was gone... basiccally, i feel your pain. it happens to all pet owners, yet each time sadness comes anew.
my xbl gamertag: ‘Mr Muktuk'
Be jelly NOW.
Awww that is sad...i almost cried when mine hamster died
Now i have a WIKI WIKAAA dog so lovely...

Too bad that your dog died...
Also one of mine older dog died hitted by a car,i need to scan a photo of it so you will see how cool it was...her name was Lesi.
Centuries Of Damn
8 of my cats were given away for pissing on the floor and 1 ran away. I have 2 cats now.
Originally Posted by RedDevil View Post
He died when he got shot when we were walking in the woods, he ran off a little far away from me and a hunter thought it was good to kill a dog.

Bastard hunters. They should find something better to do, seriously.
I've never had a proper pet, only a catapillar that turned into a moth when I was 10 or something.

Must be great to have a pet, but must be horrible to let them go.
I am rly sorry well i don't know how it feels fo lose a pet but i know how it feels to lose something u love

btw we have 5 dogs

Thats the most absurb post I've seen for a while. How can you say "yay it died!". Did you ever think of that its a sensitive topic talking about a dead pet or family member.

I hope you never do something like that again.
Its very sad to lose a loved "friend". I had a dog once. Her name was Lilly, she was my only friend because I got harrassed in school when I was young. When she died I barely came over it. It has gone 8 years now and I feel much better but I still miss her.
[Sigma] [ORMO] [OLDA] [OSHI] [a]lly
Originally Posted by DesertPunk View Post
my dog never died but he got tooken away because we couldnt have dogs where we were moving.

Same with my cat. I had to give him away to live with my aunt. Then she ended up kicking me out not even a month later.
I most likely feel the same as OP does for his dog, except I have anger tied up with it since it was blatantly someone else's fault he's gone.
>>The Official Guv'na Fan Club<<
o7[OLDA] pride, world wide o7

He who was the butt of the joke reserves no right to say "that wasn't funny."

I feel sorry for you man, although i've never lost a pet, my mum died 2 years ago of cancer and that was really hard to get over I hope you feel better soon man.

@jmannn: Thats the least funny thing i've ever heard in my life, its sick and i hope you enjoy your ban.