Age: 15
Belt: Blue :3
Anything else : N/A
Reason you want to join: Not only because starrzz invited me, but I was "surfing"(lmao) in the forum, and I saw that you guys are nice people (and professionals), nao I want to join it >:3
Modes: WuShu, and uh... Sumo I guess :P
' Replays:
Decapz0r with em: Decap with emo
Endo vs ext: Endoki Versus Ext
Endo vs Kin: It's n3v not kin rofl
Endo Vs Schec: Epic Flee (sorry Schec xD)
Endo vs Smookr: ROAR
Endo Vs Soco:
Endo Vs Tekk: Epic "handwalk" (lol) with fractured elbow
Lol Wushu: LOL
LOOOL Wushumatch: LOOOOL
PowKicks: Nothing really special about it, but I liked it >.< It was some sort of rage kicks lol Dunno :x
Walk & Split: Isn't really a walk, but oh well XD
Yay: Yoo Pee!
(Uploaded in .zip files coz was the only way D:')
Sorry about the amount of replays :x
And if you reject me (
), can I have another chance?
Thx :3