Christmas Lottery
I heard that there is a gas circle around the earth to keep the earth warm.Hazardous greenhouse gases add themselves to the circle and it's even harder for the coldness to reach the earth.That's what I heard somewhere.
Not too bad.Afraid of getting declined actually.Meh,I shouldn't care about that too much.I'm doing good!(Atleast that's what some people said).
Well they aren't lying ;D

You're doing a great job.
[RAWR]SlipAnc: two girls, one Siku
[RAWR]Siku: I was talking about having dicks in my mouth
Originally Posted by Kevin View Post
I heard that there is a gas circle around the earth to keep the earth warm.Hazardous greenhouse gases add themselves to the circle and it's even harder for the coldness to reach the earth.That's what I heard somewhere.

The atmosphere around Earth retains heat, due to pollution gases get caught in the atmosphere, which keep the heat from escaping. Thus, making Earth hotter.
what am i doing here
Originally Posted by xfoxyx View Post
lets make a thread with a poll for choose the second co-leader
lol when you type /,invade (without the ,) you get the short bus shit


Use noparse tags.
Methane gas contributes to global warming, fun fact. So stop cutting the cheese adrian. Also let's find a better topic, global warming is one I get in school 24/7 and personally I'm thinking its a bunch of fucked up hype. It could easily be prevented by using electric cars which have already been invented but were destroyed by the oil barons because oil is a main source of income for too many people so they get us, the consumers, to ride bikes, stop using electric stoves blah blah blah just cuz they don't want to try get their money some other way.
Made by Fenris
Originally Posted by ebrithil View Post
Methane gas contributes to global warming, fun fact. So stop cutting the cheese adrian. Also let's find a better topic, global warming is one I get in school 24/7 and personally I'm thinking its a bunch of fucked up hype. It could easily be prevented by using electric cars which have already been invented but were destroyed by the oil barons because oil is a main source of income for too many people so they get us, the consumers, to ride bikes, stop using electric stoves blah blah blah just cuz they don't want to try get their money some other way.

Discussion ended, A brand new water cooler is yours!