Saeq, I like twinswords. I don't have to necessarily play it to like it. It's a pretty fun mod, I guess.
Koala, I am not quite sure how to make polls. As in, the ones that show up at the top. Is it possible to do that for a thread after posting the first post? And is it possible to delete/edit it afterwards?
Kakajade, we don't really have any problems with tc's yet. In fact, if needed, I can gather some pretty quickly by selling my old stuff.
Also, everyone should post some of their replays here. Just post whatever you think is good enough. I'll try to make a video or something.
Btw, if anyone of you feels like it, you can make a video aswell, since I definitely am not the best video maker out there.
Also, what kind of song/songs should be used for it?
Btw, kam. Your reasonable logic doesn't work in this place.
Last edited by Arthur; Apr 21, 2013 at 01:07 PM.