Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Course View Post
I hate hipsters like you so so much :|

8.1 all the way, till 10 ofc

I am not a person who is dressed as a nerd and think that it is cool, thats a hipster. I am not a hipster ;)
ok sorry lol didnt mean to come across as offensive
made sum1 a free sig cuz im a nice person in general
Last edited by Course; Oct 6, 2014 at 04:25 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Windows 7 Ultimate is the most comfortable os in my opinion
no griddy taskbar & start menu
no lame dock stuff
nice n simple aero theme
very user friendly
Please bring back Organiζations board
Windows 7 looks ugly, imo.
I like the blocky aesthetic of the newer ones ;^)
Also, microshaft winblows is the best thing ever.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
Unfortunately, the technological advancement/research is shifting from actually inventing cool stuff to making the user experience "better".
Basically, in a few years we'll see a lot of companies to become more like apple.
Hell, even now so many companies are becoming more and more like apful.

I hate touch-screens. Fucking ruined technology.
Enjoy the risc-based computers in your colon after a while.

Linux probably still doesn't have what it takes to be a popular desktop OS, however the desktop market itself will decrease, so nobody cares.
Shitty future is shit.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
Now that I'm back. What did i miss?
I got myself a new computer now and I won't be having tests soon (from what i know).
Wanna chat?
<@Scorp> koor i love you