Originally Posted by
He's like "fuck you Dan" "I love you picasa" "I fucked your mom" ect.
I don't say that I never said ''fuck you'' to anyone only I hat eyou and that stuff , but for fun , you make me see like an unmature guy :<(I ambut I take games serious so yeah)
I don't do all that stuff on forums since it's bad for your rep but ingame and other places you can do what ever you want haha.
Originally Posted by
daxter, thanks for your recommendation. League of Legend. I might like the game.
btw, what kind of game is it? Strategy, like dota or what?
Kinda a bit of startegy , is mostly like diablo3 , but you have turrets minions etc.
Wanna play?
What is your username?(ingame)
Yeah is just like dota.