My best times were when Pusga made it into ORMO and when Largekilla and HiVoltage were insane replay makers and Numbers was still active and Oblivion made more spars and Swexx when he was a rookie just improving... not to mention Picasa, Sage, Sainzgc, Proxun, P1npoint, Cozzakill, Splinter, Tamer0, Leyz, Pulse, Leilak, Ishi, Shook, Bisonic, Zeto, Larfen, Nightin, etc.
I also loved back when Replays forum was just beast back in the days of Pusga, 17april, Nemooooo, Jisse, Azuremage, Nearlydead (A.K.A Nearly), Kizachu (A.K.A Kiza) and a lot I can't recall right now, these were the days.
Oh and can't forget when Hours was a good friend of mine back when I made it into Vector clan as well.
My favorite Toribash memory was when I was an Aikido / AikidoBigDojo legend and beat Numbers in Aikido on a betting server, I was so happy lol.
Also the days back when I was the leader of [TABD]Team AikidoBigDojo and it was very active had about 30 or 40 active members and people all around tournaments were trying to impress everybody "yo I'm the leader of TABD" just to feel so awesome lmao. Nothing to show off this is just how it used to be back then, good old days.