Yeah, just wait to calculate the outcome...
Piratez turn.
*CrazyGreek boards Vollian ship, extra turn, he enters the bridge of Vollian ship. Two guards + pilot crew alerted. CrazyGreek attacks closest guard. Hit +12, guard use defence shield -8. Guard takes 4 damage.
Vollian turn.
Second guard use blaster gun +35 damage. CrazyGreek turns to defence/deflect position. Lucky dice +8. Blast deflected. Calculating blast trajectory. Blast hits Vollian pilot. No shield. Pilot dead.
Piratez turn.
CrazyGreek hits second guard. Hit +12. Guard uses defence shiled -4. Guard takes 8 damage. Stunned. Miss next turn.
Vollian turn.
First guard and co-pilot fires at the same time. Blast damage +64! CrazyGreek try dodge. Lucky dice -6. CrazyGreek takes 64 damage! CrazyGreek - dead.
Piratez turn.
Squirrel enters bridge of the Vollian ship. Crying rest of the turn.