Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Arturix3
Also, today is going to be a long and boring one, so I won't be online much...

It seems that everyday of your life is a boring day?

kick heeem, hes not as equally awesome as the rest of nao.

and just because someone has a nice app doesn't mean he/she is awesome :c
Like a lie
Let May get rid of some inactive earthlings.
It needs to feast again.

also the that Unedgedbluflame guy, kick him out. He failed his trial.
Accept the one in the recruitment thread.
Yes, I vote to kick unedged, not the best trial period, at all and the one in the recruitment thread, I agree with zyrax, according to the app ( which I hope he didn't lie in) he's pretty active, lets kick the inactive ones
I have not seen quiet a few of the members in the clan. Although it isn't too extreme. Also, I believe we need to crack down on people in the recruitment center. We need to be extremely strict about who can and cannot join. Even more so than we already are.
<aracoon> we have been asking about your middle name all night
<hampa> 420
Originally Posted by Volare
We need to be extremely strict about who can and cannot join. Even more so than we already are.

You people should totally do this and artur, what news of the app for official thingy?
It has been a couple of weeks since it was sent if i recall correctly, maybe months?
Like a lie
was in the hospital because of typhoid :(


anyone up for some sparring?
Step out of your skin, put it in a jar. I thought they were my friends, but they were cannonballs.
I hope your feeling better now, if not, get well really soon, can't have a sick j0y. Can the sparring wait until about 7 gmt, that's when I get home from school
I also agree with Volare, but I still think the guy in the recruitment thread deserves a trial.

Poor J0y.
I'm sick too.
Slept 6 hours today because it could stay awake, because of the pain.
So 1000 pills and sleeping from 2 pm till now, I feel better now for sure.
Urgh. Okay. Guess we'll have to make the requirements more strict now. But wouldn't that mean that we should simply get rid of the test period?
If we have to add some new requirements, I'd say that we could just move all the "getting to know" part from the time when the user has our tag to the moment when he still doesn't have it.
I mean, most of us should already know the someone who wants to join us. What else should we require? On top of the obligatory little essay, that is.

And j0y, happy to see you here after a while. Hope you're okay now...
Also, it's weird how I'm somewhat sick aswell xD
Having a horrible headache and sore throat, etc. But the tests won't let me just lay in the bed :c

Sage, we're being discussed, I guess. Don't know anything more than that. Honestly, I believe the best thing to do is just not worry about it. The outcome will be like it should be.
As far as I can tell, it does seem that we(mostly me) have done quite a few "mistakes"(i.e. all the hype about the very applying). So, I guess the best we can do is just to get better without really trying to be what we are not.
Last edited by Arthur; Apr 24, 2013 at 10:35 PM.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
I do not know how I feel about the trial period, but we have enough members. We should do a sweep and clear out the inactive members. After, we start saying no a little more than we have been. I feel as though while there has been people rejected, they were for obvious reasons. Such as being really short applications or so. We should start judging people a little more on what they say, rather than the length. I remember one time, in an older clan, we accepted someone because they had an app that filled up most of the page. That person went in-active very quickly, and it came as a huge shock. The point is, grammatical issues and too much in immaturity in applications, and the fondness we have of long applications are a no-no. Now I am not putting down the clan or anyone in it, for so far the clan is doing okay, but it would be pleasant if we up'd the ante of joining this very clan.
<aracoon> we have been asking about your middle name all night
<hampa> 420