Secret Santa 2024
guys, i am not 6th dan black belt
and belt rank 26
congrats for me xD

If I was able to have one wish, it would be to live closer to my one true love Fred, his beard tastes so nice.
He is also a far superior tk player.
Real Name(optional): Jan but you can call me John
Belt(BrownBelt min): 4th dan
if u are lower than that and have
an alt that is higher please
Rank(optional): 178 now
Forum Activity[1/10]: 9/10
Ingame Activity[1/10]: 5/10 because of tests
Country & Timezone: Poland GMT +1:00 I think
Past Clans: Scar,Loet,Ace,Devil,Lux and few I don't remember or are dead
If there is past clans
Why did u quit/get kicked? Mostly because the clan was dying but sometimes necause I felt it isn't a great place for me
Why Its(more than 2 lines)?? Because This clan is filled with my friends (fallu,something,jack and few moar)
Why Should We Let You In? Because I said Sesame open xD nah jk, Because I'm good at abd and aikido alike mods and I like to spar but Im not as good as Fallu
A Little Paragraph About Your
Self: I live in Poland,Warsaw. I love Greek Mythology and I always wanted to get a name change into a Demi God
Social Accounts(optional): I haz Skype and Facebook
Best Or Worst Modes(optional): I suck at wushu and taekyon but I'm great at Aikido alike mods, mushu, runkido,cranesports,ninjutsu and rk-mma
Usercp(just replace your name
here) fastmove
bec use in t rnet
a the e
Hey just invited everyex(blazing)
Though of giving him a chance as a trail
And oliw
I am disappointed
U invited 2memebrs by your own
And congratz emile^^
Okay activity check plz
Anyone who doesn't post after this till this Saturday
Will be kicked!
And please don't make useless posts like
"I am here" just post something
This includes everybody
Last edited by scorpionma; Apr 16, 2014 at 03:33 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
INB4 14 days ban
That's why it was not working
When I wanted to invite u it kept saying
Invalid username or something
I was typing everyex
But I will still call u everyex
Because I am used to it!
INB4 14 days ban
Oliw is doing everything by him self, without asking. Anyways, I asked something about changing ranks, and I said to him at we wanted to get his permission. And he said the he gives us the permission. Oh and I didn't remember to said, oliw tried to scam, a player reported him to me and he was gonna give me screenshots but he didn't find it. Hmm, oliw said to him that he will give him 512x512 head texture if the player give him his deactivated, so the player went to see his inventory at forum and he saw them there are no 512 head there. So he didn't want to report him and he just went to me and said that ( he is a friend and I trust him). So, I said the him that I can't do anything without you give me proofs but when he was gonna send to me the screenshots, he didn't find him( I already said they) and he said to me hat oliw shoud be punished. So that's why I am posting that, I think oliw shoud be ranked down in the clan, because he is inviting players without asking and without letting the players to post an application in the clan thread and he tried so scam. So, give me your opinion scorpion,a and mega.

If I was able to have one wish, it would be to live closer to my one true love Fred, his beard tastes so nice.
He is also a far superior tk player.